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where can i edit the xvm rating?

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Posted (edited)

Hello Forum


So ive been trying to edit my xvm rating settings in the alpha.xc to try and change the colors of xvm but it seems that even though i change everything under wn8 to really low numbers nothing happens which means it doesnt read the scale there.



so my question is where can i find those settings that define the color you have in a certain wn8 range and how do i change that range?




- Nightmarez

Edited by nightmarez
  • Moderator

colors.xc is the one you need to adjust...

    // Dynamic color by WN8 rating
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу WN8
    "wn8": [
	  { "value": 300,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.beginner" 		} },
	  { "value": 450,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.basic" 			} },
	  { "value": 650,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.below_average"	} },
	  { "value": 900,  "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.average"			} },
	  { "value": 1200, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.above_average"	} },
	  { "value": 1600, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.good"				} },
	  { "value": 2000, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.very_good"		} },
	  { "value": 2450, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.great"			} },
	  { "value": 2900, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.unicum"			} },
	  { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRatingNew.super_unicum"		} } 

Change the "value" on when the color should change..


alpha.xc is for transparency only

  • Moderator

and the color itself is changed at the top of the colors.xc file:

	"colorRatingNew": {
      "beginner":		"0xB80000",   // very bad
      "basic":			"0xFE0E00",   // bad
      "below_average":	"0xff8a00",   // below average
      "average":		"0xe6df27",   // average
      "above_average":	"0x77e812",   // above average
      "good":			"0x459300",   // good
      "very_good":		"0x2ae4ff",   // very good
      "great":			"0x00a0b8",   // great
      "unicum":			"0xc64cff",   // unicum
      "super_unicum":	"0x8225ad"    // super_unicum

i did the full reinstall and checked. it seems everything is where it should be colors.xc sure has alot more to give now. seems like my installation was bugged.



Thanks for the support.



- Nightmarez

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