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Cant see the WR ingame

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I have tried to rework my settings, reloaded the mod, restarted the game, and still the Win Chance is not showing.  I have it selected in the Mod Launcher/Loader.


Where am I missing the check box I need to check?


Thanks in advance.

  • Moderator

If you selected "Display Win Chance on the battle interface" and it's not showing where the preview shows - then you should probably attach logs to this thread, so it can get checked :)


I have the same problem, after I updated to the 18.0_12 update Aslains I lost win chance, updated to 13 and same thing.  Tried to go back to a previous version(s) I had on my pc and still no in game win chance.   It just shows up in the upper left corner as  a slash and hash symbols  / -  .   I recently uninstalled everything and reinstalled and it continues to be an issue, I have typed in game to ask others and found some working and others not.


  • Moderator

Thanks for attaching the logs :)

I'll scoot this thread over to the issues & bug reporting section, and Aslain will get to it in the morning :)

Posted (edited)

Maby it is a Problem of XVM. In the Settings i cant found the Show/Hide the Ingame WR Selection.

Maby it is global dis.  :blush:

Edited by Momorio

when you look at the file associated with the win chance where you could set it to true or false in WordPad it is no longer an option or even listed where it should be.   This seems to be the problem.   Used to be able to change it here, but it is no longer available as an option, hope this might help fix the issue



Find your XVM resources folder.
This is usually in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\
You'll know if you're in the right place if there's a file called xvm.xc there

Find the files statisticForm.xc and battleLoading.xc which are in one of the sub-folders
I'm using Aslains XVM so I found them in C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\xvm\configs\Aslain

Make a backup copy of battleLoading.xc
Don't say I didn't tell you :)

Open battleLoading.xc using Notepad

Find these lines in the file
"showChances": false,
"showChancesExp": false
and change to this
"showChances": true,
"showChancesExp": true

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