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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. It's in modpack. English version.
  2. Definitely, that Dragon Race was big success in Poland :) Very popular.
  3. Yup, corrected it, will be fixed in next version.
  4. You dont have to uninstall, only update the game, it will create you a new 0.9.7 folder without any mods inside, acts like clean WoT 9.7. Then you have manualy remove all other files and folders in res_mods, leave 9.7 alone. Remember there is no Aslains modpack for 9.7 yet, you have to play vanilla game or use other modpack until I update mine.
  5. Przy ogladaniu replaya widzialem mega dluga nazwe pliku zamiast nazwy czolu. Wydaje mi sie ze to dopiero naprawi XVM dla 9.7, bo to chyba z jego winy tak zle pokazuje w grze 9.6.
  6. Mozesz mi poslac replay w ktorym ktos obcy jezdzi tym czolgiem, w sensie gra w ktorej nie gracz, ale inni jada tym czolgiem.
  7. W sumie moze nawet lepiej, ruscy beda mieli tydzien czasu na poprawienie modow, szczegolnie łamaga spoter.
  8. sounds like postponed to 27th
  9. It's like this mod works currently. The mod author should correct this, will try to find him/her and ask.
  10. Nie sprawdze bo nie mam tego czolgu w garazu :/ Moze jeszcze inni sie wypowiedza to sie cos wyjasni.
  11. You are unlucky, this is very rare error, we cannot fix it, no idea what is causing it.
  12. If you want to change something use the installer again, and install with new option, or manualy edit config files in res_mods.
  13. v4.2.57 (21-04-2015): - updated Hunter's Premium-Camouflage mod (hanging no more if AMX-13-57 GF is present) - added GTO's Penetration marker (right above garage mods)
  14. Currently don't work, when event garage is displayed, when tried to use with HangMan I can see it, but the skies are all dark :(
  15. Known bug since like WoT 9.4 ? Nothing I can do about it, use different crosshair mods that are not bugged (J1mbo, KT) or different modpack. In future, please post all required logs.
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