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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Spanish translator mistake: en.VehicleExpExtended=Vehicle Exp Extended (experiencia para el siguiente vehiculo)
  2. Please attach logs (look at my sig), so I can try to reproduce this issue on my PC.
  3. Could not reproduce this on my pc. The only issue I noticed is weird spaces and some missing gfx in hitlog
  4. Thank you, investigating your issue now :)
  5. It will never work alone if you install it right from installer, you need to download their exe, and always have it run in background, while you play the game. The vb mods in modpack are mainly for the adv. users of ADU, who don't want to re-install ADU every time they install new modpack version.
  6. Tymczasem kolejna osoba uzywa raportowania do pisania do mnie PW..... Ostrzegam ze bede rozdawal za to bany :P
  7. v4.1.11 (30-12-2014): - updated XVM to nightly 3612 - updated Kriegstreiber's Engine sounds v2.12 - updated AutoAim Indication+ (spg fix) - removed obsolete files from HangMan mod - removed not working options from SpotMessanger - corrected flags alpha on left playerspanel when medium panel with flags is installed - corrected the size of server cross in Melty's crosshair - changed text encoding on few default config files - added PapaDigi's Session Stats (German only) - fixed downloading Custom Login Screens
  8. Left click on each font file twice, and select install on each opened window.
  9. But I have 3F everywhere now. it was fixed some time ago...
  10. Read about Active Dossier Uploader http://www.vbaddict.net/wot.php
  11. Mozliwe ze to blad XVM, dzisiaj wypuszczam nowa wersje z akt. xvm, zobacz na niej, wkrotce bedzie.
  12. Poprawilem to mocno od tego czasu, dzisiaj jeszcze poprawie te zniekajace flagi z lewej, bo przeoczylem.
  13. Maybe something is blocking, like a friewall - Network Services Inactive - otherwise you can do nothing except for trying to activate them again, and again, on their website. If nothing helps, ask on koreanrandom forum. Battle loading freez, could not reproduce this on my pc.
  14. Maybe some mod is causing this, I have no idea, I dont play strongholds at all. Maybe try without AutoAim, or SpotIndicator otherwise no clue.
  15. Yeah, new changes in latest XVM code caused this, will try to fix in 4.1.11 This is basicaly encoding problem, is UTF-8, must me UTF-8 w/Bom
  16. Attach aslains logs, otherwise hard to say.
  17. missing fonts, try to install them manualy, link in first post
  18. You may remove these strings from your language files, will not use them anymore: spotmessanger_extra spotmessanger_help spotmessanger_ping squadCommands
  19. If you could pack up your res_mods (without audio mods and other heavy mods for lesser weight) and send me link for checking? Have you disabled all WG minimap settings in the game??
  20. Wielka prośba do polskiej społeczności tu na forum. Na milosc boska nie zglaszajcie swoich problemow przez guzik raportowania na forum: ON NIE SLUŻY DO TEGO Dziwne ale tylko polacy to robią, nikt inny...
  21. Lang files updated. Please notice a change in RVT string, previously was RTV.
  22. v4.1.10 (29-12-2014): - updated Standard crosshair, with better timer and more - updated Tessu mod 0.5.1 - updated Moonio's icon contour mod v1.6 - updated Autotelescope mod to latest original (options restored) - updated Mod ESL v1.8 (for ESL only) - updated Nikodemsky Contour Mod v1.05 - updated crew voices Teksty Hallacka (PL lang.) - added 3 missing resolution options to RVT mod - added Piciu's War Thunder Gun, Engine & Crew Sounds - added Vehicle Exp Extended (hangar calculation of required experience to next tank) - added SpotMessanger - fixed installing Crew Exp Extended - removed server flags, now it shows empty space when flag is not updated
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