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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Dodany do paczki 4.1.9 mozna pobrac :) AutoAim Indication+
  2. v4.1.9 (28-12-2014): - added AutoAim Indication+ - added Crew Exp Extended - updated Info Panel (ALT fix) - updated Kriegstreiber's Turret Traverse Sounds v1.69 - fixed spotting icons on default playersPanel.xc (I'm still working on better spot icons position)
  3. Znany problem od czasu 9.4, nikt tego jeszcze do konca nie poprawil, zobacz ostatnia paczke, w ktorej dalem inny sights.pyc, w ktorym licznik dziala prawie idealnie, mialem tylko jedna bitwe ze sie zacielo, a tak to dziala.
  4. Dzisiaj bedzie w paczce poprawiony info pane z ALT.
  5. Cannot reproduce, all is ok with your setup on my pc.
  6. Usunalem bo mod powodowal bledy, czekam na jego aktualizacje. Dzisiaj sprawdze cos, moze uda sie go dolaczyc.
  7. Aha domyslne ikonki uzywasz to przez to, na razie zmien sobie na cos innego, jakiekolwiek inne iconsety byle nie domyslne, i bedzie ok, domyslny konfig lezy i nie jest kochany, zajme sie tym pozniej.
  8. Dzisiaj dodalem te celowniki na minimapce.
  9. W paczce nie ma takiej ikonki, ale co za problem sobie wrzuc swoja, uzywajac np. Aslains_custom_mods, albo recznie
  10. Zalacz wiec logi, to sprawdze co poszlo tam nie tak. W najnowszej wersji modpaka ikonki spotowania dzialaja ok w 100%, tak samo jak wczesniej w
  11. v4.1.8 (27-12-2014): - removed White Tracks (this is last time I ever added this crap, it is now on my personal ignore list, stop asking to add it again, it never works ok) - added Advanced tips for skills (polish language version only!) - added Arcade-Sniper Switch Lag Fix + Max Farplane - added Transparent Clan Logos (to AFR section) - updated Nikodemsky Contour Mod - updated sights.pyc to something that might work better with reloading counter - updated Artillery sight on the minimap
  12. Uff to dobrze, bo to naprawilem :) Juz myslalem ze wyszlo na nowo.
  13. Another topic with the same, it's false positive....
  14. Attach logs, otherwise no idea.... Read my sig
  15. Yes saw your topic :) GuP is a complex thing, it's not just one mod to add, it also is in conflict with some other mods like hitzones, so I put low priority marker on it atm, must finish more important things in the modpack.
  16. Thank you very much very this deep feedback! Will check the files you marked as problematic. As for uninstall issues, still working on that, it seem to be more complex.
  17. You cannot select it now. AutoTelescope script seem to be better because is allowing you to select different sets for various vehicle classes, just you have to do it manualy by editing: AutoTelescope.xml <AutoTelescope.xml> <!-- 1273 - bino | 1785 - camo | 249 - repair --> <instList>1273 1785 249</instList> <lightTank>1785 1273 249</lightTank> <mediumTank>1273 1785 249</mediumTank> <heavyTank>1273 249 1785</heavyTank> <SPG>1785 1273 249</SPG> <AT-SPG>1785 1273 249</AT-SPG> <lockKey>42</lockKey> </AutoTelescope.xml>
  18. Meanwhile remove White dead tracks, this mod is causing a lot of issues.
  19. I compared this Rogueneck 4c and mine, and the only difference is they are having old sights.pyc... I would say they didnt update anything.
  20. yes, disable it, and never trust it, I dont belive now there are any white tracks working atm, was it ever working, I dont think so....
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