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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. {HasDrum} ? Is there such property name in TIM? When I imported your project and data it works for everything except for that drum images. Doesn't show them to me.
  2. I answered you in the other topic regarding hitmarker, as of that colored hits I have this mod in the modpack, it's called Gold ammo visibility mod and you can find it here:
  3. Yeah but I don't provide it with a sound. I can add sounds to this mod however, but cannot promise it won't interefe with some other sound mods.
  4. It totaly doesn't matter if previous version was ok to antivir software. Looks like MS Defender received some bugged update and started to mark my software as trojan for no reason. The binary image of my modpack is changing with every modpack update, so each new version of modpack is like totaly new .exe for such antivir.
  5. v1.4.0.2 #03 (12-03-2019): - updated session stats TimeSpent config (to minimalistic which supports more languages) - updated Awfultanker Session Stats - added Skins on destroyed vehicles: grey, aqua, beige - reworked Skins on destroyed vehicles (select your options again)
  6. It's a false-positive. My modpack is safe. Check on http://virustotal.com if you don't trust it.
  7. Jedyne co moge polecic w takim przypadku to uzycie jakiegos VPNa ustawionego na europe, np. tego windscribe linkowanego w tym temacie.
  8. v.8.1.1 #03 (12-03-2019): - updated Navigator: hootorez style (fix attempt) - updated clan icons - updated Side Panels by AutoSpy
  9. Wait for next modpack, I fixed it already, will upload later today.
  10. Ta formułka do szansy na zwyciestwo uzywana w tej chwili jest okrutnie uproszczona, polega tylko na sumarycznym wn8 druzyn, oczywiscie ktos moze przerobic kod na bardziej skomplikowany, o ile ma wiedze i checi ku temu :)
  11. It totaly doesn't matter if you never had that before. Stupid antivir is just being stupid...
  12. Change to better antivirus ;) Well, try to disable it or add the exe to whitelist.
  13. Fixed. Correct one a5cb5be0b46c23712d9e7639372ad2647635ede4d90e5bde4bc751f30ad701d8
  14. It's a false-positive.... https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/ed608d65768fbf3d082abc3ee8a362b2e8c25bce51ffc5ae86a3c5aae734a714/detection
  15. It should auto-detect client language AFAIR. Maybe new update from him is bugged that way.
  16. Maybe TimeSpent, it's the only russian session stats mod I have which was updated recently. Attach logs like Quaksen said.
  17. v1.4.0.2 #02 (11-03-2019): - updated the anti-mirror files - updated crosshair: Predator - updated Friends Notifier - updated In battle statistics by RaJCeL - fixed installation of minimap by ShuraBB
  18. I'll take care of it in next update.
  19. Aby przesunąć statystyki wcisnij L.CTRL i przeciag lewym guzikiem myszki w inne miejsce.
  20. v1.4.0.2 #00 (11-03-2019): - initial compatibility for WoT - updated to XVM 7.8.4 - info: not all mods will work properly in the Frontline
  21. it's there, from which link you downloaded the modpack?
  22. False alarm obviously.
  23. Chodzi o przechodzenie z zooma do widoku na zew.? Nie zalaczyles logow wiec nie wiem co instalujesz, po za tym byc moze w opcjach gry sam zaznaczyles taka blokade, sprawdz.
  24. In my modpack it's already fixed :)
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