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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. To dobrze Aczkolwiek nie robilem niczego w kierunku naprawienia tego, gdyz nie jest to błąd w modpacku
  2. Not possible currently is no option for that.
  3. v1.0.0 #09 (25-03-2018): - added Hangar Manager 'HangMan' with few built-in garages (by goofy67) - added Limpid Stickers - invisible decals, emblems, camouflage and clan logos (by goofy67) - added Custom Damage Indicator v2 - added crosshair: Hardscope [updated] - added The Second World War. Day after day [guns and engine sounds] - added Compact vertical tech-tree - updated all crew sounds by Automatyk - updated Team WN8 on the battle interface [ekspoint] - updated InBattle WN8 Calculator [ekspoint] - updated contour icons: Miruku, Wizard (yaya070), Panzerschiffer - updated ekspointCore [note that it will display extra ad link to his youtube now] - updated UI Scale - updated YK special addons [added missing config] - removed Sounds Leviathan crew - repacked Zorgane gun sounds
  4. Masz duzo bledow w logach, na pierwszy rzut oka to z XVM, sprawdz bez niego.
  5. Yeah it's the most wanted feature along with Load/Save mod settings buttons. Unfortunately it's not possible for me. Load/Save is possible however I need someone with superior delphi/pascal knowledge who could help with that.
  6. Od jakiegos czasu nalezy te opcje wybrac w modpacku w sekcji XVM.
  7. Yeah, I confirm that, strange. Looks like the file was corrupted in some way, reinstall the modpack and select clean up DL folder.
  8. Remove: --------------------------[ PMOD ]------------------------------------ Zoom-in for sniper mode Zoom-in: 1.6-3-6-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-55-60 Zoom-out in arcade mode 500m away max It's bugged on ASIA currently
  9. I'm considering to add it as option, to have that v2 to work like before - it will however lose mouse support.
  10. Moj skrypt sprawdzania nowej wersji paczki, pewnie cos blokuje internet i nie moze sie polaczyc. Sprawdz antywira czy nie szaleje.
  11. Sciagnij nowa paczke. Ten bug zostal naprawiony przez autora moda.
  12. Edit this file using notepad++ mods\configs\AntonVK\configHangarCalculator.xml and <hangarCalculator align="right"> <!-- Calculator --> <ConfigCalculator> <position x="-386" y="10"/> </ConfigCalculator> </hangarCalculator> Try to change align to center, and put new x value, without "-". It's the only solution for you, the author is not providing any hotkey for that mod.
  13. Logs must be from latest modpack, which is #08 currently. Post them after your the problem occurs (exit the client first). I don't own this tank, so I'm probably unable to check it properly. I assume there is no problem when playing other tanks?
  14. It will return, when it's updated to 1.0.
  15. Thanks for info. Unfortunately there is more bugs in 1.0, but mods are always first to blame
  16. Zapewne nie instalujesz do wlasciwego folderu. Masz na dysku jedna instalacje WoTa czy kilka?
  17. You have it installed. Maybe it don't like your screen resolution in the game. Try to lower it for a test.
  18. No clue, but definitely something on your computer. Anti-virus, lack of admin rights, weird windows confiuration etc. Mods are installed to two folders, mods and res_mods, don't uninstlal the game to clean them up, simply go there and delete everything except the version folder (which is 1.0.0) also delete eveything inside that folder, and that's it.
  19. v1.0.0 #08 (24-03-2018): - added contour icons: Prudenter - added WWIIHWA Gun sounds - added Colored Damage Stickers v3 - updated Battle Observer 1.14.1 - updated More visible minimap coordinates - updated YK special addons with a temporary solution (fix) - updated PMOD - fixed display unaltered icons in WoT's OTM
  20. Zostalo zgloszone autorowi ze sa problemy z modem, ale na razie aktualizacji nie ma.
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