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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v9.22.0.1 #11 (23-02-2018): - updated PYmodsCore (the author apologizes sincerely for what he did and saying that it will not happen again) - updated skin: FV4202 Remodel (RazerTeck) - added skins: IS-2 B Remodel v1 & v2 (RazerTeck) - added new mod: Hangar Tools [stats on tank carousel + hangar clock] (don't use with XVM) - added Hetzer to supported tanks in Visual Camo Net mod
  2. Masz na mysli ze statow nie ma czy XVM nie dziala? Log xvm.log urywa sie w najciekawszym momencie. Jakis lokalny problem chyba.
  3. Zaladowalem identyczny zestaw modow jak w logach i nic mi sie nie wiesza przy przelaczaniu tierow 3, wymienionych czolgow nie mam, ale jak wlaczam ich podglad z dzewka badan to tez sie laduja prawidlowo. Jak czesto ten problem masz? Czy bez modow problemu nie ma? Robiles sprawdzanie integralnosci plikow klienta? Instalujesz cos jeszcze z poza modpacka?
  4. Get new modpack #10, reverted his core script to old version from modpack #06.
  5. v9.22.0.1 #10 (22-02-2018): - reverted PYmodsCore to an older version [critical to all users of modpack #07-#09 who are installing one of following Polyacov_Yury mods: radial menu, ut announcer, tank lights, colored chat kill msgs, camo selector. Unfortunately the author of that mods has added recently an uwanted connection to his website that is loading ads and creating suspicious and unwanted traffic in background using the game process]
  6. The problem has been identified. Polyacov_Yury mods [radial menu, ut announcer, tank lights, colored chat kill msgs, camo selector] :/ Looks like he activated something or changed on his website, that is doing all that stuff.
  7. v9.22.0.1 #09 (22-02-2018): - updated XVM 7.4.1 [8212] (for micropatch 2) - updated session stats: TimeSpent [author fixed serious issue] - updated anti-mirror files for contour icons (for micropatch 2) - added descriptive image preview to Marks of Excellence Extended
  8. Author TimeSpent potwierdzil mi ze jest jakis bug z bitwami rankingowymi, i wypuscil poprawke do moda, bedzie ona w kolejnym modpacku.
  9. Hard to say, logs aren't conclusive. Try to remove YK: Enable special addons (beta) nor Team WN8 (ekspoint)
  10. I have no way to control replays. We are using a WG feature that is hidden and disabled by default because it's not ready for a public.
  11. Shura zaktualizowal swojego TimeSpent moda na okolicznosc tego buga, dzisiaj zaktualizuje paczkę z tym.
  12. v9.22.0.1 #08 (21-02-2018): - added 3 position options to XVM's Show Team WN8 - added Premium tanks colored by gold with HDR (by Aslain) - added HDR icons on Tech-Tree (by Aslain) - added HDR icons on tank carousel (by Aslain) - updated PYmodsCore - updated white dead skins - updated Camo Selector [the mod is under heavy developement hence frequent updates] - updated Marks of Excellence Extended [removed extra options from modpack, available in-game mod menu now] - removed few mods by TPblHbl4_78 (replaced with my own version) - installation optimization
  13. Tak na szybko to cos ze statystykami TimeSpent moze.
  14. Request will be fulfilled in next modpack update.
  15. I saw this article. You must know that I check every mod before adding it to the modpack, and also checking it with network analyzer. If something will try to download a coin miner, I will probably know about it. Let me know if you find something suspicious and I will double-check it.
  16. I have it in plans to use one folder, with subfolders for backup, dlc etc.
  17. You must have something unusual in your system, I've never encountered this problem myself on my PC, and my PC is ordinary one, without any serious changes. Good luck.
  18. Attach logs. That red thing around your tank is a feature of Autoaim Extended. How aften do you get that crashes and in what situations?
  19. Are you running the installer with admin rights?
  20. I will toy with paths in the logs archiver. Try it now: Aslains_WoT_Logs_Archiver.exe
  21. This is not related with WG update or bug in my modpack, something in your PC is causing it. Looks like logs archiver cannot finish it's job :/
  22. Can you reproduce it from replay too? Wild guess, but try to remove Minimap Tankview Directions.
  23. Logi w tym przypadku nie sa potrzebne. To znany problem, XVM nie obsluguje w pelni tego trybu bitew.
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