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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v9.19.1.2 #01 (16-08-2017): - updated XVM to 6.8.2 - updated Tech-Tree & Battle Results: Class colored icons v1 and v2 - updated Premium tanks colored by gold - updated contour icons: Aslain, Qualan, Grandorf, Corehorn, Witblitz, XSerzHX - updated hitzones goharu
  2. Try without XVM, it's already crashing when you click on preview of any tank.
  3. Mi nic nie wyskakuje takiego. Co do problemu o ktorym pisales, wydaje i sie ze to bedzie przez XVM, ale jeszcze sprawdzam. edit: tak to przez XVM, dlatego trzeba z tym zyc az nie zrobią nowej wersji.
  4. Unfortunately the modpack is not supporting that thing, so you may expect weird behaviour. It should still install to the folder you provide but some features like client detection will not work, as well as launching the game feature.
  5. Download new modpack. There was game update today, that's why you're getting this notification.
  6. v9.19.1.2 #00 (16-08-2017): - compatibility with WoT
  7. I cannot fix it for you, it's a local issue. Can be caused by windows/user settings, antivir etc.
  8. v9.19.1.1 #04 (15-08-2017): - updated carousel stats by DEbranded - updated Pathfinder v2.0 - updated Battle Hits Viewer - fixed contour icons: Grandorf, Aslains original colored
  9. Wydaje mi sie ze nie jest mozliwe znanie predkosci okretu, gra podaje tylko czy plynie do przodu, tylu albo czy stoi. Po za tym tak dokladne informacje moga ocierac sie juz o zabronione modyfikacje.
  10. Your PC is blocking the mod. Antivir/firewall etc.
  11. I tried to reproduce, and yeah the memory consumption goes up but very slowly, I had to click on mods preview very fast like a crazy person for 1min and it was rised by 100MB only. Do you have low memory in your pc?
  12. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/626056-091911-crew-incomplete-icon-text-overlay-removed/
  13. I have no influence on this, maybe wait for another version of XVM, or report it on koreanrandom forums, so they will be aware of problem.
  14. This is a local issue, something on your PC is causing this. Cannot tell what, might be a lot of things, like av, user settings, windows configuration, faulty hardware etc.
  15. Reinstall the modpack with clean up DLC folder selected.
  16. Tank Icon Maker has this annoying feature it reads installed icons from res_mods, then create new icons from them.... Anyway reinstall the modpack with clean up DLC folder.
  17. Reinstall the modpack with clean up DLC option.
  18. Even if I had them, they don't work anymore, and nobody updated them for current game version.
  19. Modders usually make new compatible mods when final version of game is released, so using old mods on the CT will usually end up with problems. That's why I don't create modpack for CT, it has no point with such drill.
  20. Nie umiem odtworzyc problemu uzywajac tych samych modow. Sprawdz bez modow czy tez tak masz.
  21. Niestety celowniki te nadal nie maja aktualizacji, autor Harpoona wie o problemie, ale chyba go to nie obchodzi.
  22. Ten skrypt dziala poprawnie, jedyny moment kiedy moze sie nie zaladowac to kiedy lokalny komputer go przyblokuje, np. antiwir. Sprawdzilem log, i tak jest, cos na komputerze Ci blokuje mody.... File "scripts/common/Lib/urllib2.py", line 442, in error
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