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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Have you tried to delete YK cache file? The one created in YK without addons is not compatible with the YK with addons, and vice versa.
  2. Few authors from RU forums, stopped to update their topics, but keeps posting their mods to RU modpacks. This is the case. You can try to contact the authors, but from my experience it's nearly impossible to speak with them via google translator.
  3. v9.19.0.2 #13 (27-06-2017): - added Premium hangar without a premium account (also disable event hangar) - updated Multi Hit Log [Expected Tank Values from now will be taken from XVM which is v29.1] - removed hangar music from both music mods [until I find a way how to fix it] - info: looking for volounteers who can update/translate the installer to other languages [especialy to spanish, french and russian but other languages are welcome as well] More info: http://tinyurl.com/yb5e5ueg
  4. Must be your antivir or something, you can click on direct link if you cannot deal with this, but in this case consider support me somehow via paypay or patreon.
  5. mods\configs\chirimen.spotmessanger\config.xml
  6. Unfortunately had to disable hangar music for now, the rest should work fine. Please reinstall the modpack and check clean up DLC folder.
  7. OK, thanks. So I think I know what is going on now. I will update the files, and tell you when to re-install.
  8. At login screen do you have login video disabled or not? What hangar do you have premium, non-premium, event? Edit: I've made small change, reinstall all mods, and check to clean up DLC folder.
  9. That may explain why I cannot reproduce this problem. I have FHD and no scaling.
  10. I'm affraid I will have to remove this mod is unstable.
  11. According to the XVM devs their WN8 is more reliable, because is not spoiled by a "troll" values from latest wn8 expected values v30 (created by wotlabs). I think we must live with this until they create new rating called WN9. There is some problem in calculating meds and some lights in new expected values, they could not solve it properly and set crazy high values for a few tanks. XVM didn't agree with that change and is still using v29, with few little changes, and it's called v29.1 or something.
  12. It's not a bug, XVM is using own expected WN8 values since a few months now, the other websites are using another one. They (XVM devs) have not updated to latest values, because the new values according to them are not right, and they are boycotting them.
  13. v9.19.0.2 #12 (25-06-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7682 - updated OTM config by Aslain
  14. Po zalogowaniu sie do profilu na stronie XVM (tam gdzie aktywujesz staty) wybierasz jaki rating chcesz widziec. Pewnie jest ustawione WGR a ma byc WN8.
  15. What do you mean by any pack? Please name everything causing this issue if possible. However my moves are limited, I can simpy remove all skins causing it, I'm not their author.
  16. They may never be back again, I cannot download all icons properly, there is some problem caused by either WG api or icon downloading script. I cannot fix it myself so.... You can use the top 1000 clan icons only for now.
  17. I will fix it in next modpack, the reason for this is maybe because you've not activated the xvm services on their page.
  18. Yes, removed, because game files was changed and this mod requires update.
  19. v9.19.0.2 #11 (24-06-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7680 - updated Painted Rollers - updated XVM's OTM with thick HP bars by Aslain - added player names option to thick OTM with HP bars by Aslain - added Star Wars Music Mod - replaced Two Steps From Hell music with my version [for 9.19]
  20. Wydaje mi sie ze masz za mala rozdzielczosc ekranu, i zwyczajnie sie juz nie miesci, zmniejsz ilosc rzedow karuzeli moze.
  21. Oczywiscie taka kombinacje testowalem, u mnie problem nie wystepuje niestety. Wiec nie jest to jakis blad instalatora. Byc moze po pierwszej instalacji cos trzyma plik, ktory nie daje sie nadpisac przy kolejnej instalacji. Zrestartuj PC pomiedzy instalacjami a noz pomoze.
  22. Nie wiem czy dobrze rozumiem, ale zaladowalem te same mody i normalnie moge zmieniac wyposazenie, w logach nie widze bledow, moze pokaz jeszcze na obrazku jak wyglada ten problem.
  23. No idea why, but I noticed a cpu info overlay in left bottom corner, try to play without this.
  24. This is russian mod, and I don't know if it's translated to english at all, think I saw some english notification once, but also russian ones. No clue. I cannot translate it anyway, so live with this of remove
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