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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Its from YasenKrasen. Dont know if you can remove it. Im away so cannot check it.
  2. Get new modpack. According to logs you are using old one.
  3. Mods are divided by xvm and non xvm, thats why in two categories
  4. Zainstaluj go . Zaznaczacz ze chcesz aby instalator utworzyl skrot na pulpicie i odpal go ikonka.
  5. v9.19.0.1 #02 (03-06-2017): - added Painted Rollers - added new option to YasenKrasen branch: Turn off side panel addons - updated XVM to nightly 7589 - updated session stats YasenKrasen - updated Hangman Hangar manager (for - updated WoT Tweaker Plus (for - updated contour icons: Wizard [by yaya070] - updated crosshair: Harpoon [also added Harpoon regular] - applied workaround for conflict Chat Filter + PMOD
  6. Problem zlokalizowany, konflikt z PMOD niestety z jakiegos powodu, pewnie przez PMODa, bo to moloch. W dzisiejszej paczce bedzie naprawione. Bedzie za 10min.
  7. Ew. odinstaluj skórkę VK4502B, to ona konretnie się gryzie.
  8. W logach masz jakies bledy chyba ze skorek Milkymana, odnosnie czolgu VK7201P, sprobuj usunac niektore skorki, moze zacznij od niemieckich. Ewentualnie usun Dźwięki dział od Gnomefathera (by Zorgane) byc moze w nowej aktualizacji sie cos gryzą.
  9. Instalujesz nie ten mod Inspektor pancerza to mod do ogladania pancerza, a nie trafien.
  10. Poszukaj takiej opcji w sekcji PMOD. Domyślny zoom.
  11. Think I did it, I will include it in new modpack today.
  12. It's a technical thing. Trying to add a switch now anyway. Still got like 1h of free time.
  13. Ok, it's harder than I thought, I know what to edit out, but to automate it in the installer is another thing.... so I have to leave it for another time. Wish there was a simply switch, in the config...
  14. I would, but not sure I will find time today, I may try....
  15. Remember the pack is collection of various mods, from various authors, every each one of them is responsible for own mod, sometimes they may create unpredicted results. I cannot test every mod combo, because I would need to have to clone myself for that. Noticed you are using "Multi Hit Log - InBattle WN8, EFF, Damage". I saw some report on russian forums, where they was saying that this mod may lower your FPS significally after few hours of playing. Try to pull it down.
  16. Thanks, now please add info, what is the problem? added 2 minutes later Check this out maybe http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/543617-updating-game-client-fail/
  17. Zaladowalem te same mody ktore wybrales i wszystko smiga, wliczajac celownik, ciezko powiedziec czemu go nie masz, moze tez sprawdz w opcjach gry co masz ustawione w celownikach, moze jakies niestandardowe wybory. Moze wyczysc ustawienia wota, i ustaw wszystko na nowo - zwykle pomaga wyczyszczenie folderu wargaming.net w %appdata roaming.
  18. Sure, can you confirm that removing one of mentioned mods fixed your issue?
  19. Nothing I can do at this moment, I'm waiting for a reply from mod author. Meanwhile you can try to uninstall either YK or Vehicle Exp Extended.
  20. Jest w paczce, mod nie nazywa sie Tornado. Tornado to nazwa goscia co go stworzyl Szukaj Otrzymane trafienia w bitwie.
  21. Have you tried my previous suggestion? Otherwise try to reduce mods amount. I cannot reproduce your issue on my pc.
  22. You didn't provide logs. It's mandatory.
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