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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Try to uninstall few mods, like Hitzone skins Aesthete, White Dead Skins if this won't help, follow it up with Info Panel, Extra Aim Info and maybe Minimap Tankview. Preferable one by one, not all at once. It's a wild guess, it can be anything, including your pc, you know.
  2. That sounds like a network problem, i.e. packet losts. Try to perform network diagnosis, there are several commands tools for that like tracer, ping etc. alternatively write to WG support. You would have to ping and tracert a specific WoT server IP.
  3. Well I don't like to add icons that are not too popular and hard to find. This is the case, I will be dependand on someone to post me updated links, and I cannot navigate on KR forums easily, they are difficult to use for a non-KR. Same case with Contrabass icons.
  4. Should be ok, I just checked, it's valid icon pack.
  5. Please check which crosshair is selected in the game options. Also check in the mod preview which crosshair should be selected in given crosshair mod, because it changes.
  6. Jest juz oficjalna wersja 9.18, na razie wyszla tylko w regionie NA, dzieki temu sa mody i nowy modpack. Oficjalna 9.18 wyszla tydzien temu już.
  7. For a start begin with editing file battle_layout.xml, you probably cannot easily remove/move/resize everything you listed via this file but worth a try.
  8. v9.18.0 #08 (24-04-2017): - added Damage Panels: Zayaz, Shtys, Rabbit, Damage Panel with angles - updated sights script
  9. Don't use this website has fake mod updates. I don't trust it.
  10. Cannot reproduce, I can ping map with same mods like you.
  11. Can you give example of element you want to get rid of?
  12. Te z modow dzialaja tak ze zwykle podmieniaja kilka lub jeden z tych wbudowanych, zawsze trzeba sie upewnic ktory jest teraz wybrany w opcjach gry, bo to roznie bywa. W opisie modow w instalatorze pisze ktory nalezy ustawic, kliknij pokaz podglad modow i bedzie pisalo.
  13. Hmm. Jaki masz celownik wybrany w opcjach gry?
  14. v6.4.0 #04 (24-04-2017): - added Sooth and burning effect remover - added skins: BB Nikolai 1 and USS Missouri (by secession) - added Improved Chat by BADoBEST - added crosshair Skalpel and Katze - added Historical Naval Ensigns (Flags) in 2k HD - added Shogun Battleship from Red Alert 3 (by SEA Group) - added Detailed Damage Indicator (by Monstrofil) - updated contour icons: MajorRenegade v3-v6
  15. Dziwne ze uzyskujesz jakis inny efekt, moze antivirus z sandboxem? (Moze niby sie instaluje ale do piaskownicy a nie na prawdziwe miejsce). Ciezko powiedziec. Odpalasz gre z katalogu gdzie zainstalowales gry, czy moze masz pare roznych instalek?
  16. Zainstalowalem wszystko tak samo jak wybrales w modpacku i tak to wyglada:
  17. Unfortunately Autospy version still has this bug, I will include badobest version, it's working fine, just hasn't in battle menu gears.
  18. Yeah, it's because I watched a replay from a CV player, and his text was all white.
  19. Maybe it's intended, I noticed carrier players has nick in white text and no icon, this is what you mean? Otherwise provide me a picture and a replay where I can check it out. I will see if AutoSpy updated it somehow.
  20. v9.18.0 #07 (24-04-2017): - reverted changes to the mod list [was bugging the mod preview]
  21. v9.18.0 #06 (23-04-2017): - updated XVM to 6.6.2 - updated contour icons: Man1aq - added XVM 12h clock - added Die Zwei crew voices - added Application for loading Aslain's installer configurations - added Selected tank highlighter - added Battle Results window: Sexy, Serb, Frost - experimentaly changed components list style [feedback appreciated]: collapsable mod tree [sadly cannot be remembered from previous installation] ability to preview mods without losing selected checkboxes slightly changed icons for checkboxes to select a mod, you have to click on checkbox instead of the whole line new mods and options will be marked with bold font style
  22. To wszystko przez WG, zamiast wypuscic aktualizacje 9.18 dla wszystkich, to wypuscili to dla NA na razie, stad ten podzial.
  23. Wątpię Jak nazywa sie plik instalatora, ma w nazwie 9.18? added 2 minutes later
  24. Sciagnales zla wersje paczki, na razie sa dwie rozne wersje dla NA i reszty, pobrales dla NA.
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