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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I suspect the Improved Chat mod is doing chat problems, try uninstall it. Not sure what do you mean by detailed hitlog, I would have to see it on a pic. Loaded same mods as you and yeah, it's improved chat slightly bugged.
  2. Well I will replace it with updated crosshair and update preview pic. So they will match.
  3. Jest jakis nieznany blad i nie moge pobrac plikow, mozesz jeszcze raz zalaczyc, albo moze dac linko do zew. zrodla.
  4. I will look at it and let you know. Well it works fine, just checked it. Make sure you have Type 1 static crosshair selected in game controls. http://imgur.com/a/7Mxbq
  5. Try manual download and insert it into the DLC folder, re-launch the installer.
  6. Jakbys mogl jeszcze zalaczyc logi, zebym mogl odtworzyc to u siebie.
  7. Masz tak caly czas? Byc moze chwilowo byl jakis problem z serwerem DLC. Zobacz czy dasz rade wejsc tutaj: http://rtor.nyx.feralhosting.com/files/WoT/ Sprobuj pobrac jakis plik.
  8. Installed the very same mods like you, and no problems in the game. Do you use english locale in windows? Show me yours XVM log.
  9. v5.12.0 build 00 (29-09-2016): - initial version for WoWs - updated Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack - updated FPS Limiter - updated alt minimap - updated contour icons: MajorRenegade, Hakabase, Panzerleiter, DeceasedDaisy - updated the Zoom mods - updated Aircrafts with ship names - updated Black Citadel hud - updated transparent minimap by AutoSpy - updated Training Battle - updated Extended Tech Tree - updated Unique camo for all ships - removed incompatible mods
  10. At what point do you crash? Hard to tell why is this happening to you, bad luck I guess, try reducing mods amount. I would start with garage mods, like Hangar manager etc.
  11. It's your pc doing this to you, start with checking antivir and other defenders. Nothing wrong with the installer.
  12. How frequently does it happens to you? Played few battles using the exact mods like yourself, without problems :/
  13. Only if you select different custom login screen mod. Don't install them from LegendaryStoner, if you don't like the girl. You may install the other one, that is showing historical pictures instead.
  14. 9.15.2 build 12 (28-09-2016): - updated XVM to v6.4.5.1 (fixed client crash when "minimap"/"circles"/"special" section is not empty) - updated Gnomefather's gun sound - added crosshair "Destroyer" - added OTM by night_dragon_on - added OTM by demon2597 - added Received Damage Announcer by ekspoint
  15. You have to visit xvm website and activate stats there.
  16. Zobacze co sie da zrobic. A wiec tak, tego moda juz nie ma, jest tylko nowa jego wersja ktora mam juz w modpacku, aczkolwiek ktos musialby dla niej zrobic kofig jak na obrazku powyzej, ja nie znalazlem takiego. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/263260-09152-infopanel/
  17. Wait for 12 I will try something there, might be script file only, not actual crosshair files.
  18. Maybe bug in xvm code, this is something I cannot fix, would be good to ask on koreanrandom
  19. Have you tried the PMOD session stats? They should be more stable. YasenKrasen and similar use to get bugged in special battles like Stronghold.
  20. You want to see numbers and tank names only , select proper option from the menu: Tank name for both. (if I understood you correctly)
  21. You can install this mod only via the installer, you will receive few more files and folders, but they are unused so nothing to worry. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/zkfMYpXTtcxGM
  22. When you try this version you are not having any problem? I compared both versions, this one is using older sights script. Sights script is usually causing problems like ESC/CTRL/No crosshair bug.
  23. v5.11.1 build 03 (27-09-2016): - added Damage Indicator mod [read mod description!] - added option Display customized minimap circles to the minimap with ship names - moved the minimap with ship names to the minimap section of modpack (you've to select it again) - updated Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Skin & UI Pack v8.1 (by Haruna Line)
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