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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Yes, everyone who is using AVG is experiencing this, change to better AV or turn it off for installation. It's false positive.
  2. Before reporting it here, make sure you have renamed folder to in res_mods,
  3. Wrzuc ten plik do folderu gdzie lezy ten wczesniejszy swf, twórca pold77 Pozostal tylko Union Jack dla UK. graphics_lib.zip
  4. This is a list of not working mods in, this is mainly for NA guys who are struggling with new update while EU still waiting for an update. If you find out a mod that is not working, please post it here in topic.
  5. v4.6.23 (27-09-2015): - added Chat filter (hate blocker) by Krzysztof_Chodak - added fire & ammo bay sound alerts (enabled by default) - added new option to Multi Hitlog: Dmg Diff WN8 - updated Autoaim indication+ (fix to option follow_me_snapping) - updated Gnomefather's Gun sounds 1.9652 - updated Autoaim extended by spoter - corrected bottom position for Info Panel mod - removed BattleMessenger - Chat filter & antispam (not updated to 9.10 & abondoned by author)
  6. Only when EU gets, otherwise I cannot check anything.
  7. Normal thing, modpack is for and you installed it over :) Sometimes all you have to do is to rename folder to new version, but as you see it's not guaranteed to make it work.
  8. Post picture with that error you get, I can bet it can be easily fixed without any redownloading and stuff.
  9. Postaram sie dowiedziec. Dam znac.
  10. Falszywy alarm. Mozna dodac modpack do wyjatkow na jakis czas i sie zainstaluje, badz calkowicie wylaczyc AVG bo sie nie popisal tym komunikatem.
  11. Pold77 zrobil mi flagi historyczne, jak chcesz to mozesz je uzyc. Sciezka do flag: res_mods\\content\gameplay\common\flags\flags.dds res_mods\\gui\flash\service_lib.swf Flag_mod_Japan_Nazi_pold77.zip
  12. Will be added today: - corrected bottom position for Info Panel mod
  13. Maybe that bottom position is not exactly right above ammo icons, I can try to move it there. Still there is difference in positions in both options.
  14. Chcialbym wszystkich zadowolic, ale tego nie moge dodac. Wlasnie ta swastyga ma specjalny status, a flagi zwiazku radzieckiego i japoni inny, sprawdzalem niedawno jak to jest z ich dodawaniem do roznych rzeczy.
  15. Swastyga nie jest rowna tamtej fladze, japonska flaga nie jest zabroniona w EU, za to nazistowska juz tak.
  16. Dont forget to attach logs to check, otherwise cannot help at all.
  17. Never seen first mod, but the second one was already requested a lot.
  18. Niestety wrozbici na wakacjach, bez logow nie wiem w ogole o czym mowisz.
  19. Pewnie namieszane we filtrach karuzeli, sprawdz to.
  20. I don't think it's built in Gambiter, looks like the game is telling to gambiter it's gold round, so it displays it like one.
  21. Could not reproduce, no error on my PC. I see you have most of the things disabled in the installer....It's not recommended, because you'll have crazy effects, like you have my icons, but with tier number on it, clan icons also overlaps on my icons, etc, etc, but no error.
  22. Too bad you didnt attach XVM log, in this case the error is there, not in python, but I will try to reproduce.
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