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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. I posted this as a full quote in the Advanced Techtree thread, to let the author know.
  2. There are several different types in the static crosshairs section, you need to select the proper type. Would have helped if you posted logs, as required, in this section.. then I could check the description.. you need to look at that.. and pick the proper type. (There's like 10 types under static crosshair)
  3. You need to select the proper crosshair in the settings menu ingame. Description for the one you chose should tell you which type to select ingame.
  4. Thought so.. Those gun sounds mods uses scripts for all tanks that it changes sounds on, so I'm guessing the script the mod author is using is an old one, prior to the removal of that gun.
  5. Wouldn't be surprised if this is caused by: Gun sound packs Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds
  6. Both are related to CTD's.. so should just keep it to one thread. Merged them instead.
  7. It is already working. The DLC files work with res_mods and mods, so the custom folder should too, since they're extracted in the base World of Tanks folder. Custom files, like DLC files, start their structure with mods\version, or res_mods\version
  8. If a fresh install of the game is crashing, without mods, then you might need to start looking into hardware issues it seems.. like faulty RAM or something. Are you having issues with other games? The game isn't supposed to be crashing all the time, at all.. I get no crashes even with mods.
  9. That would be up to the mod authors to fix, if it's fixable.
  10. If you do integrity check, I think it should find and replace the scripts.zip with original one. And then running installer, the modded scripts.zip should be installed, alongside the mods. (Just make sure you don't do the integrity check after modpack installation, before you play) My game is on DirectX 11, just to rule that kinda out of the question. Your game shouldn't be crashing at all though, best case. Hopefully it doesn't crash without mods (thought it shouldn't with the mods you have selected either), but...
  11. Just makes shit even more weird, that it used to work, and then just.. stopped.
  12. At a loss for words really.... About the only difference I can think of now, when it comes to the game and how things are displayed, would be your resolution of 1440p (guessing by size of your screenshot), where I'm on 1080p. It's a really long shot, but could you try 1080p, and rule out 1440p causing the issue?
  13. But the files are added/changed properly, or your res_mods wouldn't work for me, which it did. If you're having the exact same issue with ProShips and Hakabase, something is definently going wrong somewhere. But it doesn't look like it's the installed files. Maybe some odd anti-virus software blocking it's function? (No clue if that's even a thing.. if that would happen.. maybe try pausing your AV software, and give the training room another spin) The missing _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf is never a good sign. If you run the installer, without using LOADINF program, it should create the inf file every time you run the installer.
  14. It's so weird it's not working for you... And it shouldn't really be an "installer issue depending on different systems" either. I used your res_mods zip file, and the modded scripts.zip I already had, and both mods worked for me. So the files are being installed properly for you... something else is being weird.
  15. Timestamp for the scripts.zip matches the modded one, so that one is correct. (It'll get replaced by original, if you run integrity check, which is why I asked for it) As for your setup, it works just fine here. Could you install just those two mods, Detailed Damage + Monstro Markers, and pack your res_mods and attach it?
  16. Might be part of it, another side effect... What is the "date modified" for your scripts.zip file, in World of Warships\res\ ? (Note: Not "res_mods" folder!)
  17. _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf seems to be missing from your logs file. Do you have that file somewhere? Would make it so much easier to install your exact mod setup, to see how things goes. I added Detailed Damage Indicator to my own setup, and it worked just fine:
  18. Below the screenshot, see the red/blue text:
  19. playersPanel.xc and statisticForm.xc, you should be able to open just fine with Notepad++ (freeware), and add the {{friend}} macro where you'd like it to be
  20. Flickering only happens with server crosshair enabled. It's some weird bug that happens now, since it didn't do that some versions ago. Maybe WG changed something, and mod author never adjusted for that.
  21. Do you know if the blacklist icon is part of XVM, or is that just the default game blacklist mark you're talking about?
  22. Installer I'm talking about is obvious Aslain's, since it's his forum were on. The player panel would be: Panel by Hakabase v1 and v2 Panel by Badobest v1 and v2
  23. XVM uses their own set of data. Most sites uses the wnexpected stuff linked above.
  24. I thought you were talking about playet panel, there's no gear for the panel you were actually talking about.
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