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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. No clue then what is going on. Shouldn't be your Kaspersky. (I use that too, even with Anti-banner ON, it works fine) Does the direct link work for you?
  2. When you click "Skip ad" it shouldn't actually open some ad. It should download. Try closing whatever ad opens, and click Skip ad again, or hit return and try it again.
  3. What is it that you cannot do? Does it tell you you have adblocker running, or what happens?
  4. Please remember to attach logs See my signature on how to.
  5. You're welcome There has been quite a few changes since then. Modpack follows the Fair Play Policy, so you can use without worries.
  6. It was removed looooong ago, when it was made illegal by the Fair Play Policy. You won't find reload timers over targets here.
  7. You'll need to wait for the update. Which could be troublesome this time, since World of Tanks did a rather major update with the 9.20, breaking everything even more than usual.
  8. Makes me think it was your antivirus or something freaking out after the install Glad it works fine now.
  9. This sounds very unlikely, unless you mean while the installer is installing, that things are slow (and your antivirus program, for whatever reason, is scanning things, and slowing you down)... The modpack doesn't install something that runs in the background, which could slow a computer.
  10. Hehehe... it happens.. it's easy to scroll past, if you're checking a little too fast
  11. I only asked if it was related, since it seems in the other post, it's about autoloading tanks (such as the AMX 50 100), what were you driving when you experienced the issue?
  12. The marked bit isn't XVM related. It's WoT's own damage log stuff, as far as I can see. Open the settings menu, and go to the battle log or whatever they call it.... Also:
  13. Hold down CTRL, and you should be able to click and then drag the clock (Not sure if it's a mod that adds it, probably is... probably best if you attach log files just in case )
  14. XVM - and they broke it, as far as I know.
  15. Master Ambush is actually the first mod that WG isn't fully decided upon it seems... they requested that Aslain removed it - but it's on the FPP FAQ list, as "Not forbidden for now, but may change in the future" - same as the direction indicator pointing towards one tank, and the mod that displays others equipment on tanks. So I'm guessing that it's likely to change soon, and that's why WG didn't want Aslain having it around - if they changed their mind soon. And yeah. I do hope they fix some of the climbing spots.. some of them aren't really intended, but made possible by all the changes they've done lately, new tanks and what not. (New lights climb better than previously, for example)
  16. Do you have East / West still? I thought they merged both together into one.... so try without using the favorite server option in the modpack, and reinstall modpack.
  17. Please attach log files when reporting something like this
  18. Hard to say without any logs. Are you using "favorite server" option? NA merged their servers into one, so that might fuck it up?
  19. Because I replied to you mentioning the FPP. I simply added a personal opinion on it. Shrugs. I obviously mentioned the "straight forward", because you also did, and I agree with it. We were discussing a suspicious website and the FPP. Not this mod in particular. We went kinda off topic when the whole suspicious website part was mentioned, hehe. Ah well (I re-read it as I posted it, and after, and I still do not see how it could be even slightly seen as being sarcastic. I see a post saying I love the FPP, and agreeing with you.) Anyways, game on.
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