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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. The most common is actually that it's Windows' own stuff that screws up, and doesn't show anything, but prevents the file from running anyways
  2. Some antivirus software is most likely behaving badly, if you check Task Manager, you will probably see it with high CPU usage or something like that.
  3. Attach logs - or everything is pure guesswork. But a good guess is you're installing a big DLC, which is being extracted.
  4. Mods in 9.17.1 can be in "mods" or "res_mods" folder - depends on how they're packed by the mod authors. Mods in 9.17.0.x was only in "res_mods" folder. Hope that helps?
  5. Define last version? 9.17.0.x? 9.17.1 is the version where "mods" folder was introduced.
  6. With the modpack installer, there's nothing to worry about. If you're doing things manually, you can see from the zip files folder structure where things should be.
  7. The "mods" folder is a new mod location that Wargaming is introducing. The "res_mods" folder is still used as well. And I bet there will be mod conflicts, if you have the same in both folders. Hehe.
  8. As per the changelog, have some patience: v9.17.1 #00 (23-02-2017): - removed Replays Manager - note: greyed out mods are outdated - note: removed mods might be back when their authors update them - note: expect more updates in short time, this is just first of them
  9. #01 is released - please try that, and report back.
  10. finpelti, YasenKrasen isn't updated yet, it snuck in anyways, so don't use it yet
  11. Aslain knows about the issue, and is working on fixing that, and other things Not sure what you can do for now.. try going into the APPDATA folder it shows - and delete the modsettings.dat file, if it's already present, and then hit Retry.
  12. Might be doable - would take a lot of editing the text files... Sounds like a lot of work, for very little gain - since isn't most of the names you see, the lastname?
  13. YasenKrasen is not updated yet.
  14. Session stats isn't updated yet, which is probably what the first part is...
  15. That makes no sense then.. the only option that should be hiding tanks, is XVM, when using the Reserves option. Don't know what to tell you then, if it isn't shown as Reserve. And it's not shown normally either, without filters ticked. :/
  16. That is the issue then, most likely. The only reason a tank would vanish from garage, when installing XVM, is due to the tank being on "Reserve", and thus HIDDEN, unless you select to show those tanks. (Also explains why the tank would show up without mods at all)
  17. The tank is set as "Reserve" - so select that filter. Remove the tank from Reserve, and "issue" is solved.
  18. You should be able to just get contours, and select the non-XVM option in the same section. Then you'll have contour icons (instead of the boring grey ones) and whatever else you select, without XVM, if you don't want that
  19. What, why are you saying sorry? Don't mind the yellow text message - it's a signature, and always posted with my posts. Since most of my posts are in the bugs/issues section, where people haven't added logs
  20. Odd, heh. There's no logic behind all the random ships that gets added when you try to add bots. Hopefully someone knows...
  21. Odd - perhaps your Aslains_Logs.zip file wasn't updated properly - could you open "Aslains_Installer_CompList.log" and check the version it says at the top? (It should be where you find the zip file, alongside some other Aslains_Installer files)
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