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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. If you don't have it.. that's because it's not added yet. Wait for it.
  2. Cannot put the mod in, if it's not updated. And I don't think it is, or it would already be back.
  3. Since 0.5.6, "Markers on the minimap showing where an enemy ship was last spotted" And the mod you're thinking of is the Navigator mod, which is towards the bottom of the modpack list.
  4. It, well, does what it says. Deletes the contents of the DLC folder. If it contains outdated versions and you want to be sure it gets the latest files. Not all mods in the modpack are DLC. The folder is in the game folder if you want to see whats in it.
  5. Place this file: cache.data (remember to adjust your settings in the mod configurator) Into: res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods\modsSettingsApi As for the bottom screenshot: Turn off Simplified Vehicle Stats or whatever it's called, in WoT's settings menu. (Or deal with it )
  6. "pixelsBack" in minimap.xc, I think Though it might be an old option..
  7. I don't know, or I would have answered that too. I didn't see anything related to that.. but I'm sure someone else will
  8. Display Team HP on the battle interface and Team HP Pool Team HP Bar by Armagomen with extra info under ALT both selected... which causes the double text you're seeing... deselect the top option..
  9. Weird. But as far as I know, XVM hasn't finished the minimap yet. Maybe they added that one feature, hehe.
  10. Change your settings for the WoT Expanded Minimap. When the game is open, open settings, General tab, right side. You have it set to show when alt is pressed. Set it to always. (XVM Team hasn't updated their minimap yet, so we have to use the WoT one)
  11. XVM Team hasn't updated the minimap yet. Use the WoT Expanded Minimap features. Ingame, in the settings, General tab, right side.
  12. Beats me why they would he set to reserve by default on your computer. It's controlled by an XVM file, which is located on your computer.
  13. I know. But as I said, enable the reserve filter, so you can see tanks placed in reserve. There you'll find the "missing" tanks. Because they're there, in the normal carousel, except when hidden as reserves.
  14. Enable the reserve filter, and see if they're there. It's the usual cause.
  15. XVM Team hasn't updated the minimap yet.
  16. XVM Team hasnt updated their minimap yet. Use WoTs own expanded minimap features, found in the settings menu in garage or in game.
  17. Doesn't take into account all sorts of stuff, just base reload I think. Can probably be setup to just assume everyone uses maxed everything. It'll never be 100% accurate in any case.
  18. English forums.. Russian post.. k.
  19. \res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\battleLabelsTemplates.xc
  20. Logs? But you probably selected that part to be colored by ally/enemy. (Or it's a bug)
  21. Yeah, the flash files and what not needs to be updated, and that's the XVM team's job Hopefully soon... I miss it. We do have the WoT Expanded Minimap, but... it's not as good.
  22. When XVM team fixes their minimap.
  23. The problem is Windows Defender. It's doing something funky. I got Windows 10 too, and install without issues. I use another program for internet security/anti-virus and what not.
  24. Most of it will return with time. The minimap stuff requires the XVM team to finish fixing the minimap first, since theirs was broken in the ActionScript3.0 update.
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