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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Most of it will return with time. The minimap stuff requires the XVM team to finish fixing the minimap first, since theirs was broken in the ActionScript3.0 update.
  2. That makes no sense, lol. Oh well. 08 contains a version that has expire date of the 21st. 09 contains the updated one with date of 1st September.
  3. So you're using a version of the modpack, that is old.. and that contains a version of ZJ OTM reload marker, that expired the 21st.
  4. 77.7 MB is the file size (79,659 KB)
  5. XVM Team hasn't updated their minimap yet. It got broken with the ActionScript3.0 update. Enable the World of Tanks "Expanded Minimap" in the Settings menu. Right side, towards the bottom of the General tab. Edit: Same goes for the circles.. they're below that.
  6. Go into: \res_mods\\scripts\client\gui\mods\ZJ_Mods\xml\ and open ZR_MRL.xml with Notepad++ (which is free!) and scroll to the bottom of the file: alliesEnable startAlliesEnable squadEnable Set those 3 to true, if they are false.
  7. Brings a whole new meaning to the Red Sea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sea Keep in mind that Aslain stated he hasn't tested compatibility yet. (EU doesn't have the same version NA does, yet.)
  8. You're still using a modpack, on a version of the game. Scroll down far enough to see the NA links. " Downloads for World of Warships (NA) " And try that. Though it hasn't been properly updated yet, since EU doesn't have that version yet.
  9. As I said, you are using a modpack, on a client of the game. (The modpack installs into the folder in res_mods, and your client looks in the folder.) Wait for Aslain to update it. EU hasn't gotten that update yet.
  10. You are using a modpack, on a client. NA updated. EU hasn't yet.
  11. EU usually gets it one day after you.. so tomorrow. Are you using one of the zoom mods? Zeiss or whatever they're called. I think they created a similar issue in the past.
  12. Looks funky. EU is still on though. Did you have that update today?
  13. Just Aslain you need to thank, he's the one working hard
  14. The latest installer has the UP sound mod already. - added gun reload sounds by Aslain
  15. Not sure it's a bug, when I downloaded the full size file fine through the installer.
  16. You might wanna get that cat checked!
  17. Not really related to this thread, but \res_mods\configs\DamageLog\ open Message.cfg with Notepad++ for example, and change "enable" at the top from true to false.
  18. Without logs, this post is useless So, read the pinned thread, which is also linked in my signature.
  19. Good! Then it looks like Windows Defender is being a bit stupid, when it comes to the modpack installer. For both WoT and WoWs. Weird.
  20. Bruger du Windows Defender? For det kan vidst godt være derfor, fordi Windows Defender bliver lidt crazy over filen.
  21. Try again? Something on your end is screwing with the download of the file, maybe? The file I just got throught the installer is: Shiny_metal_9151_1.7z (504 MB)
  22. Great post! Non-english, in english section. Bug report, I guess, in general discussion. And no information included, at all.
  23. As you might have seen, Aslain has been on vacation, and just got back. He also just released 0.5.10 modpack.
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