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advance tech tree

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Just installed #09 of the WoT modpack and when I went into my Polish tech tree I spotted an overlap of the 50TP prem tank on the 53TP. Looks like the only overlap issue in the Ad tech tree mod just wanted to give you the heads up so you could let the Author know about it and fix it for next time.


  • Administrator

What screen resolution you are using btw?

What options have you checked in the mod menu? (which style etc.) attach screenshot maybe.

  • Moderator
3 minutes ago, Tankkiller_DK said:

The pic ARE down at the bottom, an there are notting missing at the rigth this sis what i can see

Jeg snakker om den scroll-bar der er i bunden af skærmen. Du kan trække den til højre/venstre, og se resten af vognene.

Ellers skal du vælge et andet layout inde i Advanced Techtree menuen.


JA det ved jeg men der mangler stadig alle de vogne der måske kommer, eller de har planenrer om at komme med alle special vogne mangler også

Hvor er f.eks. chrysler GF Tier8 Heavy den plejer at være der i Advance Teck tree og og e100 WT som de har planener om at komme med igen på tidspkt. bare nogle eks.


  • Moderator

Tryk på knappen nede i højre hjørne, og åben Advanced Techtree menuen.

(Eller tryk på F8 mens tech tree er åbent), og pil lidt i menuen.


Jeg kan se alle tanks, både skjulte og fjernede tanks, fordi jeg har slået dem til.


I forhold til layout bruger jeg PHARAON's, men de andre burde også fint have alle tanks.

  • Moderator

Det var så lidt da :)


@Ricardos You need to do the same - click the menu button in the bottom right corner, open the Advanced Techtree menu, and fiddle around with the settings, the layout, the hidden/removed toggles, and so on.

You can also open techtree and press F8 to open the same menu (if you change it while there, you need to click back to garage and into techtree again to see the changes)

On 9/7/2018 at 12:41 AM, Aslain said:

What screen resolution you are using btw?

What options have you checked in the mod menu? (which style etc.) attach screenshot maybe.

Hope this helps.



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