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v4.4.19 (15-06-2015):

- fixed preview picture for Melty crosshair

- moved Deegie and Mjolnir crosshairs to back to main crosshair branch (like in the past)

- corrected capture bar's default position

- added PogS contour icons Color Simple and Color DMG ART VR RLD

- added P_MOD's Session Stats branch with config by Solo (more will come later)

- added Effective armor calculator (for own vehicle) with extra gun constrains ruler for TD and SPG

- added LAMP damage panel Zaya's Style without damage log (now with CTRL centered pop-up version) 

- updated LAMP damage panel to v5

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v4.4.20 (15-06-2015):

- tuned capture bar position when "More visible minimap coordinates" option is selected

- tuned CB colors on the minimap and alt.minimap (hope there is enough contrast now)

- fixed PMOD zoom-in and stats config, that was causing colored chat messages and the other session stats not working

- fixed (enabled) damage log in new LAMP damage panel v5

- if you previously installed 4.4.19 consider this as critical update

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v4.4.21 (16-06-2015):

- today's WoT micropatch brought back stats to Battle Results window, which was bugged by WG before

- updated XVM to nightly 4524 (update for WoT #62)

- changed CB colors on the minimap as simiid suggested

- removed Battle Stat windows by Ragnarocek (incompatible with todays micropatch)

- removed P_mod stats (incompatibility with colored messages on chat with previous battle results)

- reverted P_mod scripts back to default (from extended due the same reasons like above)

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v4.4.22 (17-06-2015):

- added updated New graphics on Battle Results window by Ragnarocek

- optimized installing script for less shadow OTM option

- optimized installing script for spotting icons on PlayersPanel

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v4.4.23 (18-06-2015):

- updated XVM to nightly 4554 (xvm enhancemement back to Battle Results window)

- upaded Armor Calculator (also known as Angle indicator from Melty's)

- updated HD hitzones by Goharu (as state of 10.06.2015)

- added Szarik Sense pack by Aslain (6th sense sounds and 6th sense icon, including real Szarik pics)

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v4.4.24 (19-06-2015):

- updated XVM to v6.1.2.3

- updated Harpoon v3.0 crosshair (author warns that some features are disabled in arty mode, he's still fixing them)

- updated Damage Log v0.1.3 beta by Gambiter

- added Debug Panel from Harpoon crosshair

- added Locastan's angle viewer for 9.8 (bug: missplaced battle timer)

- fixed options in Gun Constraints (gun traverse angle markers)

- replaced Team HP Pool style by Armagomen to Leeuniverses

- removed UT Announcer (hanging the game in certain conditions)

- note: please use Region Changer with care, If you are unexperienced with this app, it can damage your game client, and you'll have to redownload game again. I'm not responsible for your mistakes.

- note: Minimap Tankview Extended is LEGIT on NA server (it works only in your own drawing range)

- note: There is NO VIRUS or MALICIOUS hidden stuff in my installer, Chrome is giving you FALSE-POSITIVES, the same like some other unknown chinese scanners...

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v4.4.25 (20-06-2015):

- simplified launching of the mod picture preview

- fixed Gambiter's Damage Log v0.1.3b Polish version

- fixed Silent Battle Timer when installing WoT Tweaker's sound preload

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v4.4.26 (22-06-2015):

- upgraded Spotted Extended v3.03 to Full version

- updated Ally Outlines by Locastan (fix to prtscr)

- updated Vehicle Exp Extended (config)

- fixed installing Locastans hd minimap (correct disabling of XVM minimap)

- installer optimization

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  • Administrator
v4.4.27 (23-06-2015):

- updated Spotted Extended v3.04 by spoter

- updated TessuMod v0.6.0 and changed to DLC 

- updated Piciu's War Thunder Sound Mods (gun v2.0, tracks v1.2, crew voices v1.2)

- updated Vehicle Exp Extended v2.07 by spoter (without modsettings api)

- added Autoaim extended v3.02 by spoter (without modsettings api)

- reworked Spotted Extended (divided into light & full, added new preview (ru), updated configs by Aslain, added polish translation by Aslain)

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  • Administrator
v4.4.28 (24-06-2015):

- repacked Gui sounds & some crew voices by vito74m DLC with correct path

- added L.CTRL zoom option to Locastans HD minimap

- added UT Announcer Pack gen.2 (please send me aslains logs if your loading bar stucks on 100% with this mod)

- reworked Low HP exclamation marker branch, added option with big marker

- changed the way how Locastans HD minimap is being installed when SPG aim circle on minimap mod is selected (will cripple SPG aim circle, but these both mods are incompatible and this is best workaround)

- fixed Squad icon in the Max info (vehicle name, stats and squad number) option

- improved the Max Info options, now they can be installed along with Player names option selected

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v4.4.29 (25-06-2015):

- updated Piciu's War Thunder Sound Mods (guns v2.1, tracks v1.21, crew voices v1.3, engines v1.4)

- updated Artillery sight on the minimap (new swf)

- updated Advanced Aiming System

- updated Spotted extended v3.05 - Full

- updated locastans UI mod (check UImod.xml for new features)

- added Angel Extended v1.24 by spoter (20 battles a day limit)

- fix to uninstalling the modpack (hopefuly it's finall)

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v4.4.30 (28-06-2015):

- added sound preview to 6th sense sound mods (thanks to MGIMATTY and BegiN for helping) [more later]

- added clanMod v0.9.8.10

- added Danish translation by Quaksen to installer

- updated Autoaim indicator+

- updated vbaddict scripts (ADU)

- updated hitzone skins Fire & Ammo Rack by BadBoy78 to 9.8.1

- updated TessuMod v0.6.1 (Fixed 32bit TeamSpeak crash with TessuMod Plugin installed, Fixed TessuMod Plugin installer not launching when clicking plugin advertisement's install-button. Execute the installer manually from res_mods\\tessumod.ts3_plugin if you have already installed the previous TessuMod Plugin or you have clicked the "No thanks, don't show this again" -link.)

- fixed 6th sense sound Metal Gear

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  • Administrator
v4.4.31 (29-06-2015):

- removed all mods created by spoter (the main reason is that author threatens to all EU server users, that he will ban EU server if we keep using his mods - it has started after he was given a warning from WG-EU moderator for violating forum rules, the other reasons are unstability of his mods, and that he's tracking mod usage via all his mods without users consent [privacy violation - tracked personal WG-ID and what not....] and it happens every battle played, and every WoT launch!)

- improved sound preview system (still limited to 6th sense sounds)

- added first version of korean translation by junn to installer

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  • Administrator
v4.4.32 (30-06-2015):

- updated ZJ OTM Reload mod (working period to 31.07)

- added Direction indicator by Lportii

- added WotXp - tracking of the crew and vehicle experience (to the bottom of garage branch)

- added Research Watchdog (to bottom of garage branch) (config by plkJaqenHghar)

- added Team HP Counter by Tratatank

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  • Administrator
v4.4.33 (01-07-2015):

- added sound preview to crew voice sound mods

- updated polish version of YasenKrasen session stats

- moved AutoAim Indication+ from Aim Helping branch (check it again, otherwise it won't install)

- moved BalCalcMod from Aiming system branch (check it again, otherwise it won't install)

- removed Advanced Aiming System (due to incompatibility with many mods)

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  • Administrator

v4.4.36 (04-07-2015):
- added moonio contour icons
- updated UT announcer config
- replaced ZJ OTM reload with the other version without time limitation (and also because ZJ maker is known as WoT cheats creator)
- removed Direction indicator by Lportii (because of unceretain status of this mod, and that Lportii is known as WoT cheats creator)


Added following labels to listed mods:

- Minimap Tankview Extended (Prohibited on ASIA server) [it seem to be legit on NA: http://bit.ly/1TbU7dQ]
- AutoAim Indication+ (prohibited on NA & ASIA server)
- OTM Reload (this version is allowed on NA & ASIA servers)
- Damage Announcer EU version (full) (prohibited on NA & ASIA servers)
- Zoom-in 48x (10 steps, 1.6-48) [by P_MOD] (prohibited on NA & ASIA servers)
- Zoom-in 60x (10 steps, 1.6-60) [by P_MOD] (prohibited on NA & ASIA servers)


We might need to get some clarification on AutoAim Indication+, because it's unclear now, but to me it sounds like it's forbidden. I marked it prohibited for now. 

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  • Administrator
v4.4.37 (05-07-2015):

- added Aslain's contour icons: New Regular [these icon will replace my original icons since 9.9, my current regular icons will be discontinued, the decision is final]

- re-labeled AutoAim Indication+ back to allowed mods (proof: http://bit.ly/1JGA1qm)

- still waiting for clarification for Direction Indicator (aka Direction Box)

- updated DamageLog Gambiter v0.1.5 beta (config by Aslain)

- added DamagePanel with angles & repair time to DamageLog Gambiter

- changed config of DamageLog Gambiter to be similar to my old config

- removed Solo Panel (obsolete)

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  • Administrator
v4.4.38 (06-07-2015):

- added English Crew Skill Tips (changes client language to english)

- updated Crew Skill Informer v0.5

- moved Damage done/tanked log from the right top to under a chat window

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  • Administrator
v4.4.39 (07-07-2015):

- disabled auto-checking every 7200 secs in the update checker (to fix game freezes)

- added attacker name and moved hits slightly to bottom in Gambiter's Damage Log

- added Spotted Extended by BirrettaMalefica

- added Sixth Sense Duration by BirrettaMalefica

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  • Administrator
v4.4.40 (09-07-2015):

- replaced bugged Team HP Bar by Leeuniverse with the one by Armagomen (fix to CW battle start counter)

- re-added previous version of OTM reload

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  • Administrator
v4.4.41 (10-07-2015):

- updated YasenKrasen PL config (corrected ignored battles)

- updated Spotted Extended by BirrettaMalefica (10.7.2015)

- updated Sixth Sense Duration by BirrettaMalefica (09.7.2015)

- added Focus mod by BirrettaMalefica

- added ammo type to hit message in Gambiter's DamageLog

- added option: "Hide player names" to Gambiter's DamageLog branch

- added Direction indicator (Prohibited on NA & ASIA servers)

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  • Administrator
v4.4.42 (11-07-2015):

- corrected player name position when installing OTM player name + OTM vehicle icon contour

- corrected OTM vehicle icon contour position

- fixed ammo type message in Gambiter Damage Log

- added option to select Damage done & absorbed position in Gambiter Damage Log

- added Battle Results window wih SerB, continued by Aslain

- updated Qualan's icons package

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Attention, I'm leaving country for 3 weeks tonite. I will try to make update for 9.9, but it may take more time that usually and won't happen soon, since I will have to do it from mobile internet, and laptop while being in another country, visiting. No ETA for next update, hopefuly will find some time this weekend.

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  • Administrator
v4.5.0 (15-07-2015):

- compatibility with WoT 0.9.9 (based on XVM nightly build 4627)

- removed incompatible and potentialy incompatible mods with WoT 0.9.9

- updated critical mod scripts like PMOD and Koshnaranek

- since I'm on vacations, it will take some time to update the rest, patience please :)

- forgive me if some mods are still bugged, I couldn't test everything from here

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