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perspective lock - tank becomes independant of view

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When playing, the view will lock in one direction regardless of turret or chassis orientation. the tank will drive off screen and still shoot but I cannot see what it is doing nor anything else in the game. in one case, it jumped to another tank while looking in same direction. it appears the turret always points in the stuck direction but it no longer moves.


If restart game it goes away for a couple games but happens again. In screenshot, that tank is starting to drive off the screen (092).


then next (093) the tank is driving off and you can see the silhouette.






I've seen this as well.  I've reinstalled without most of the XVM and in-battle modifications, and I'm slowly adding mods back to see if I can figure out what's causing the problem.  I also noticed some black flickering during battle, often right before I'd lose control of the camera.


the first time it happened, it occurred as I was zoomed in and I couldn't get out of sniper mode.  I noticed that auto-aim was working, and it seemed that my client was actually aiming my gun at the designated target, even though it didn't appear that way to me.




Update: I believe I've narrowed the problem down to crosshair mods.  This problem happened to me with both J1mb0's and MeltyMap's crosshair mods.  I've gone back through and installed mods one-by-one, and have a configuration with everything except crosshairs and it hasn't exhibited this problem.  I'm going to go back and reinstall J1mb0's and see if the problem comes back.



With J1mB0's crosshair mod installed, I eventually reproduced this problem.  I don't think it's specific to J1mB0's since it also occurred when I had MeltyMap's crosshair mod installed.  I just reinstalled without any crosshair mods and will keep playing to be sure I didn't miss the real cause.  I don't know if the python.log will reveal what's going on but I'll attach the latest one anyway.




Also: I don't know if this is relevant but I'm seeing the following error many times in the python.log:


ERROR:   File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 1165, in __onPeriodicTimer


I've removed crosshairs mods, zoom mods, and auto-aim mods and still get the view lock, turret lock, aim lock,

and zoom lock issue.


Edited to add:  I forgot to remove the custom mods from the installer...


Went to a basic configuration and ran 3 battles without vision lock.


I had to remove the whole aslain's mod to get it to work. I'm modless again until it get's fix.  I'll just wait until Monday.

  • Administrator

Checking it, have you tried to remove mods by Spoter? There is some mods that may cause this, but cannot guarantee for sure. Can give you a list later. 

  • Administrator

In next installer will remove 2 mods that may cause this, however I cannot check it because I have no issues with any mods I install.


Window mode makes no difference.


It always happens in arcade view.  When it happens, the camera locks and I'm unable to zoom or go into sniper view at all.  However, when I hold CTRL, I at least can get a mouse cursor and click on the map. (which is all I can to until the match is over).   The next match will start normal, but the game likes to crash soon after unless I restart.


I've tried both 30x zoom mods and disabling Spotters aim assistant (the one that puts a colored halo on the tank you have targeted).

  • Administrator

I suggest you to start removing mods one by one.


I would start with these:


        Aim Helping mods
            AutoAim Indication+
            Autoaim extended v2.04 by spoter [DLC]
(use with care, the mod may cause issues on some computers!)
         Spotted extended v2.03 by Spoter (buggy, live wrecks etc, use at your own risk!)
         Spot indicators
            Direction indicator extended v1.06 by Spoter
         Armoring extended v1.07 by Spoter
         Realtime Achievement Announcer (RTAN) by Aim_drol
            Battle Assistant for SPG
               triggered by both 'G' and 'Mouse-wheel' button
         Tank gun directions on minimap (illegal on NA server)
            Show on enemy vehicles
            Show on allied SPG's
            Show on allied TD's
            Show spotting indicator
         GTO's Penetration marker
            Mav's Ultra Fog Remover
And don't use koshnaranek script 

Aslain, I removed all mods and reinstalled them one at a time.  I only saw issues with J1mB0's and MeltyMaps crosshair mods (the only two custom crosshairs I tried).  I did not see the issue with any of the other mods installed.  I saw it with both Koshnaranek's and P_Mod zoom mods, but only with a custom crosshair.


Also, now that I am not using any custom crosshair mods I no longer see this error in python.log:


ERROR:   File "scripts/client/VehicleAppearance.py", line 1165, in __onPeriodicTimer


The evidence points strongly to something in the crosshair mods.



I suggest you to start removing mods one by one.


I would start with these:


        Aim Helping mods
            AutoAim Indication+
            Autoaim extended v2.04 by spoter [DLC]
(use with care, the mod may cause issues on some computers!)
         Spotted extended v2.03 by Spoter (buggy, live wrecks etc, use at your own risk!)
         Spot indicators
            Direction indicator extended v1.06 by Spoter
         Armoring extended v1.07 by Spoter
         Realtime Achievement Announcer (RTAN) by Aim_drol
            Battle Assistant for SPG
               triggered by both 'G' and 'Mouse-wheel' button
         Tank gun directions on minimap (illegal on NA server)
            Show on enemy vehicles
            Show on allied SPG's
            Show on allied TD's
            Show spotting indicator
         GTO's Penetration marker
            Mav's Ultra Fog Remover
And don't use koshnaranek script 



Aslain, this just happened again and I don't have any crosshair mods installed.  I'll start back at square one, disabling the mods you indicated.  I'm attaching the latest logs.  The problem occurs just after my teammates and I destroy the Pz. IV H downhill from my Leopard.  At that point I can no longer turn the turret or change the camera view, although I can drive normally.  I cannot switch to sniper view, nor can I CTRL-click to follow another tank in spectator mode.



Posted (edited)

Aslain, here's an update.


i reinstalled v4.3.1_97.  I disabled the following mods:

  • AutoAim Indication +
  • Battle Assistant
  • BalCalc Mod
  • Everything in 'Other Garage Mods' section (even though they *shouldn't* have any effect in battle)

I wasn't using anything else in your list of suspects.  Also, I reinstalled J1mB0's crosshairs (1 aim circle + J1mB0's SPG).


I played 4 games in 3 different tanks without seeing this issue.  I'll attach updated logs.


I see there's a new version of the installer, so I'll download that and reinstall, adding only Battle Assistant (and nothing that's new in the installer).  



Edited by HockeyPhool

I've been having the same issue with all 9.7-compatible versions of the pack (I updated to 4.3.2 today and had the problem twice). Something I've noticed is the issue seems to happen immediately after a tank is destroyed. Every time I've noticed it's been an enemy tank, but I'm not sure this is always the case. I also don't seem to have a _Aslain_logs.zip (I both looked in the game root where I found the attached python.log and searched my entire system). In lieu of that I've attached _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log to show which mods I have installed.


Not sure if this will be helpful, but I've also uploaded a replay (http://www.mediafire.com/download/95th75bgzpubtnc/replay_last_battle.wotreplay) that exhibits the problem (at 11:24 remaining). I checked it twice and the bug happened at the same time both times. Hopefully the python.log I'e attached is still useful.



  • Upvote 2



I installed v4.3.2_97.  The only difference was enabling Battle Assistant.  Three or four battles, no issue.


I'm now going to re-enable AutoAim Indication + and retest.  I'll also see if I can verify mosetsuki's comment about the problem happening after a tank is destroyed.


Attaching update logs.




Same problem after upgrading to 4.3.2.  Tried deleting res_mods altogether and going back to 4.3.1, same problem.  Reinstalling WoT now and will re-apply 4.3.1, as it was working problem free for me.  If it happens again will post logs.


Tried new version of install pack still having same issues. Clean install. It does it every few games. It will run just fine a whole match then in another it will lock up.

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