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Regen assistant disappeared

Go to solution Solved by Battlenat0r,

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I was moving a bit around GUI elements (like chat, info panels, regen assistant, etc...) I have done something and the assistant disappered from the screen and I cannot get it back. Earleir it happened with the advanced battle chat. The only thing which helped a full reinstall of the game. Anyone have any idea what may have happened? I guess it is there just somehow out of the screen boundiaries

9 minutes ago, Aslain said:

I have informed this mod author, waiting for response. However would be good if you can attach logs too.

Here it is. I feel that is is some entry somewhere where the dispaly location of the mod is stored. But I dont know which file it is


17 minutes ago, Aslain said:

Many mods are saving to preferences.xml, but I don't know about this one.

Yeah, that was the first one I checked but nothing.

1 hour ago, Capt_Oveur said:

<RA> NNN.nnnn </RA>

Az <IMPositionX> és az <IMPositionY> alatt

This is what I see there, the -5s are suspicious, what should be there? /Ezt látom a -5-ök gyanúsak. Minek kéne ott lenni?




I can now confirm, that as soon as I try to move it with Ctlr+Mouse it will jump outside the screen to position -5(X)/-5(Y). But in the preferences.xml I can set any value and it will stay there. As long as I do not try to move it.

Posted (edited)

It moves out of screen sometimes, or top left for me.
It's annoying.....
                <RA>    -5.0000    </RA>
                <shipParamsTooltip>    1317.0000    </shipParamsTooltip>
                <BT>    1510.0000    </BT>
                <QC>    62.0000    </QC>
                <AA>    1971.0000    </AA>
                <IP>    2831.0000    </IP>
                <SM>    1639.0000    </SM>
                <SMHeight>    351.0000    </SMHeight>
                <SMIndex>    0.0000    </SMIndex>
                <SB>    492.0000    </SB>
                <boxScale>    0.8000    </boxScale>
                <advChat>    8.0000    </advChat>
                <ST2Enemy>    1578.0000    </ST2Enemy>
                <ST2Ally>    1401.0000    </ST2Ally>
                <Stopwatch>    1022.0000    </Stopwatch>
                <BBC>    1498.0000    </BBC>
                <IM>    108.0000    </IM>
                <CE>    1295.0000    </CE>
                <MLC>    6.0000    </MLC>
                <STEnemy>    110.0000    </STEnemy>
                <STAlly>    111.0000    </STAlly>
                <RA>    -5.0000    </RA>

By removing   <RA>    -5.0000    </RA> in the preferences file restored it to default, I'm doing copy and write protection on the file so it can't do more changes until this issue is fixed.

Edited by Battlenat0r

Megkerülő megoldás

Ez a hiba csak akkor aktiválódik ha megpróbálod az egérrel elhúzni. Ha a preferences.xml-ben átírod a koordinátákat akkor a mod helyben marad.

Ez a kép a mod doboza, a zöld pixel a sarka, de a preferences.xml-ben a koordináták a számok dobozának a bal felső sarkáé: 5 pixellel lejjebb és 25-tel jobbra, a piros pixel.


Csinálj egy csata képernyőképet és nyisd ki a Paint-tel, mert az kiírja az egérmutató koordinátáit. Döntsd el hova akorod tenni a modot és írd be a koordinátákat a preferences.xml-be. Én a 2560x1440 febontású monitorommal ezeket használom:

	<RA>	277.0000	</RA>
	<RA>	1148.0000	</RA>





This bug shows up only when a player tries to drag the mod with the mouse. If its coordinates are edited in preferences.xml it will stay there.

This pic is the mod's box, its top left corner is its origin, the green pixel, but the coordinates in preferences.xml belong to the top left corner of the numbers field: 5 pixels down and 25 to the right, the red pixel.


Make a screenshot of a battle scene and open it in Paint, for Paint shows the coordinates of your mouse pointer. Decide where you want the mod to be located and edit the coordinates in preferences.xml. I use these for my 2560x1440 monitor:

	<RA>	277.0000	</RA>
	<RA>	1148.0000	</RA>



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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Same problem here in version 11.9.0 ... reinstall it but dissapears... for me is a very useful mod... how can i solve it apart from the tip showed on 10th september above?


Edited by Chester_Malo
On 10/18/2022 at 5:05 PM, Chester_Malo said:

Same problem here in version 11.9.0 ... reinstall it but dissapears... for me is a very useful mod... how can i solve it apart from the tip showed on 10th september above?


Delete your pref file.

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