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What cross hair do you use and why?

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I have tried several different crosshair mods included in this pak:


JimB0's - Started with this one, simple and easy to use great for a beginner.


Harpoon - Didn't like it, too busy for me, maybe a TD player would use this but I run mediums.


Damocles Sword - I went to this one when I needed more information about chance to penetrate.  I also came to really enjoy the center circle, as an aiming reference point.  I stopped using it once I started to turn on server cross because it became too cluttered.


MeltiMap's Mathmod - Used this for a long time, really liked the extra information on the screen, but again too much clutter, eventually it starts to get in the way more than help.



So I finally decided to look for the simplest crosshair mod I could find, that still gave me the important information I needed in battle.  I stumbled across Giacint, and the screen shots of it didn't really look like something I would like.  I didn't think it had enough information.  I went to his forum page and read why he wrote the mod, and it really seemed like the same reasons I was still looking for a new crosshair.


So I gave it a try, and haven't looked back.  This is my favorite crosshair mod.  The screenshots on the installer do not do it justice.  It is simple out of your way, easy to get used too.  It provides the info about chance to hit in a color code on the center dot.  The color is not something that will blend with the background so you have no trouble finding it.  If you like me are looking for a crosshair mod and haven't found one you like yet, let me recommend you give this one a try.

Edited by Rixsaw



Have been using Harpoon last months, because its well done

and gives good info.


Had Taipans for, well a very long time.


Before that I used a crosshair that combined Deegies and Melty. 


Used original Deegies also for several months.

  • Administrator

3/4 of my WoT life I was just using WoT's original crosshair, I don't use extra info on crosshairs, never needed that to be successfull in battle. I only need accurate reload time that's all :) 


I guess thats why we have so many options everyone likes different stuff. I would suggest some of you try the Glacint  Crosshair the screenshot for it doesnt' really do it justice.  Its much better in practice.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using vanilla "circle" reticle for quite ahile but recently switched to Domocles simply for the variety.  I also used Jimbo's in the past but it now seems to have that giant cross shape in the middle and really gets in the way.  I would use it again if I could alter that, just for more variety.  I think I enjoy this modpack for that very reason...so many options to keep it fresh.


i like meltymath one becuz i found it easier to aim with the static crosshair (not the turret or server one). I have tank information popup and its important for me to be able to hover over the tanks quickly to see the stats. 

I havnt used a whole lot of others either so there is some biased in my opinion :p




The blue doesn't blend in with the servercross. What I don't like is how it shows humungous shells when using an autoloader, it's in the lower left and doesn't bother much. 


I'm used to Roughnecks and it always seems to work for some reason after updates.


Harpoons wasn't enough. I like to look at the stuff.

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