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Long-ass player names.


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I use your mod and XVM. The players panel (and one used with Tab key) do not have sufficient space for some of the names.

I tried to edit them by re-sizing the box and the space for the name, but still ended up writing over the stats.

Can you perhaps provide correct code?





Go into Aslains XVM config and open playersPanel.xc


Scroll to "nickFormatLeft", "nickFormatRight" and find 

the {{name}} part. 

Add character length, for ex.  {{name%.14s~..}} .




Go into Aslains XVM config and open playersPanel.xc


Scroll to "nickFormatLeft", "nickFormatRight" and find 

the {{name}} part. 

Add character length, for ex.  {{name%.14s~..}} .

yeah...that's what I tried, AND also made the box larger.

The result was the first part of the name over-wrote the stats on the right and the end of the name over-wrote thestats on the left.


Not really. I minimize in-game.

I am looking to change the Players Loading panel and the one under Tab during game.

Many ppl put a lot of effort into their names, and I get a kick out of them...but cannot read many of them.






That means you have tried changing "width": = 70 ?


You could also try changing ingame resolution.


Also try changing font and/or fontsize.  <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>




That means you have tried changing "width": = 70 ?


You could also try changing ingame resolution.


Also try changing font and/or fontsize.  <font face='Consolas'><font size=

I might try fontsize next, but have poor vision. I am such a fail. :-D



Changing BOTH of the player names (Right and left) to "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:r}}' size='12' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{nick%.20s~..}}....."

Note: I do not see a "width=...." line in battleloading.xc

results in this:




TAB (PlayerPanel.xc - "Large":):

Changing BOTH of the player names (Right and left) to "nickFormatLeft": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.16s~..}}....."

and the last line to "Width = 100"

results in this:



Obviously I am missing something, but I am not smart enough to figure out what.

Could it relate to the alpha = ...80 part?




Something seems to "steal" space, usually its XVM-symbol 

or nation-flag.

If you dont need that info remove anything having to do with:


<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'>


also check if clansymbols are in any of those lines.


{{nick}} = player nickname with clan name

{{name}} = player nickname without clan name

{{clan}} = clan name with brackets (empty if no clan)

{{clannb}} = clan name without brackets


You will always end up with extra space, if player name is shorter than defined limit.

Can I adjust the defined limit? Or is that XVM folks?




And check for extra spaces infront of macros. 

Everything "pushes" the alignment.


In my opinion youre right namepanel has 1 or 2 character bigger 

"startgap" than the left one.

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