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New project: Battleloading backgrounds with the heat minimaps

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My new project: Battleloading backgrounds with the heat minimaps


This is just an idea, with two maps reworked as example.... Cannot promise I will make a retail version.


The first Look:






What do you think? I can hardly use it, since the game is loading so fast to me (ssd), but maybe those with slower machines.... could use it.

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I like the idea of maps while waiting around, always did.

As you said though, it's usually only visible for a very short time.


I'm not too sure about heat maps either, it's kind of a waste to use those (at least I think so).

They'd be more usefull if they'd be used on the minimaps, in order to see where campers usually sit and where people normally brawl.

I'm not sure if people can grasp this much in the few seconds where the battle is loading.


Maps with approach avenues would be much more convenient, since they show (usually with arrows), where the most common advances take place.


Just my 2 cents; and having maps can't hurt too much, regardless which they will be.  :)

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The biggest issue is too short window on fast pc's, giving little time to analyze.


I would probably want to see only heat maps, because I generaly know all the stuff like where to go, what to do. While the Heat Maps are giving some nice overview, also to new players.


No point to make a mod like the approach avenue maps, since there is at least two other mods that do exactly what is says. While there is no single heat maps version :)

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Yea, I guess it comes down to taste then and also have to see how long they will be visible and how much you can grasp in that timeframe.

Will have to see.


Maybe can think about adding the other maps anyway, just so people have more options; since you're already working on that kind of addition to the pack. =P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Aslain.....This is an amazing creation.


First, it shows you were the key points are, which is what you most use and need to know to fight.

Second, I've been using the "arrow" loading maps for some time now, and they aren't so useful, because "we know where we are driving".

Third, the issue with loading, I don't think that's an issue because as much as most play the game once you've seen the map a dozen times, you can see things better.


Anyway, this is an excellent idea.  I really like it and would like to see if move forward to full release.


Someone also mentioned that it would be good as a "mini-map".

Hmmm....  that's an interesting thought.  I think this idea would even be a more amazing idea.

Locastan releases an HD mini-map version, so it should be easy to do a Heat Map version.

Although, I wouldn't want it to be in HD, reason being is because one can't see "detail" and features as well with the HD one, things don't "stand-out" as well.


If you could actually make a HEAT Mini-map version, that would actually be better.  (or show me how to do it, you're busy enough)

We can keep using the "arrow" one for loading.


Please please do this project, but for mini-maps instead.  This would be really helpful.

I mean, with the new ALT large mini-map option in xvm, it would be even more amazing to really see things and know where to shoot.

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Remember, "Mini-Map" version is better......

We can keep using the old arrow's for loading.


My mouth is watering for how cool this is.   :)


What do you mean by mini-map version :) Sorry if it was already said somewhere but I'm overloaded with work on modpack that sometimes I lost track of thing :)

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They wont let me register on Wotlabs, tried for many times.... Oh well, this is gonna be a heat map, I dont need "pros" :)



They really seem to hate some of us EU guys....




At some point there was mention of a mod like this.


I think tazlion was gonna do the scout locations, but due to the Ukraine issue, he has pulled from anything to do with WG.

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What do you mean by mini-map version :) Sorry if it was already said somewhere but I'm overloaded with work on modpack that sometimes I lost track of thing :)


We were talking about this new mod, and then we realized it would work FAR BETTER as a "Mini-Map" version, instead of for the Loading screens.

So, basically you would replace the Mini-Map the same way Locastan's HD Mini-Maps do but with this version.  Of course, don't use the HD's cause the contrast is not good.

Use the standard game maps.


That's what we were talking about.  :)

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