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GTO's Penetration Marker

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This mod seems to make a static 'snap' sound when you penetrate. It makes the icon on the reticule fine, but yeah makes an odd sound like a speaker's crackling.

  • Moderator





(And if the xml is not called that, it's still most likely in the same place.)


Isn't that what the GTO Pen marker is supposed to do? I have always compared the sound to that of shooting someone in the COD games, the odd "fff-t, fff-t" sound that happens when your bullet connects

  • Administrator

This mod seems to make a static 'snap' sound when you penetrate. It makes the icon on the reticule fine, but yeah makes an odd sound like a speaker's crackling.


Everything is perfectly fine. This is how this mod works.

  • Moderator

Really? That's so weird.. it made me stop using it because of that odd sound. ':f 


I really liked it, damn.

Read the first reply then, where you can turn it off? :P Hehe.

Sumona dammit ;)


Read the first reply then, where you can turn it off? :P Hehe.

Sumona dammit ;)

I don't understand.. just change it from true to false? Imput those lines? Or look for those files and delete them?

  • Administrator



<showMarker>True</showMarker> <!-- True/False for the marker, it will still play the sound!-->
<Markers> <!-- show markers for special kinds of damage, if they're disabled the normal hitmarker will be shown if enabled -->
<Fire>True</Fire> <!-- orange hitmarker for fire damage ticks -->
<Kill>True</Kill> <!-- red himarker for kills -->
<timeOnScreen>1.5</timeOnScreen>  <!-- time in seconds the hitmakrer stays on the screen -->
<size>32</size> <!-- size of the hitmarker in pixels -->

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