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Ratings colors

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In the last modpack, a change was made to which colors are assigned to various ratings.  I think some of these color/rating combinations are not correct somehow.

For example a 76% on marks of excellence is shown as yellow in color which previously meant average.  I would think that having a damage ratio higher than 76% of the players on that tank would be better than average.  It was before the latest update.



  • Administrator



What was before:

    // Dynamic color by damage rating (percents for marks on gun)
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу урона (процент для отметок на стволе)
    "damageRating": [
      { "value": 20,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } }, // 20% of players
      { "value": 60,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } }, // better than 20% of players
      { "value": 90,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } }, // better than 60% of players
      { "value": 99,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } }, // better than 90% of players
      { "value": 99.9, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} }, // better than 99% of players
      { "value": 100,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }  // better than 99.9% of players


What is now:

    // Dynamic color by damage rating (percents for marks on gun)
    // Динамический цвет по рейтингу урона (процент для отметок на стволе)
    "damageRating": [
      { "value": 64.99, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad"} }, // 0-64.99
      { "value": 84.99, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"  } }, // 65-84.99
      { "value": 94.99, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"    } }, // 85-94.99
      { "value": 100,   "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"  } }  // 95-*


This was done by XVM devs. Who knows, maybe they will tune it up further or make new changes later. I agree it's a bit dumbed down now so I will return this particular colors to what it was before.


Well, they went towards simpler gunmarks color representation: red - no marks, yellow - one mark, green - two marks, blue - three marks.

I know it's a bit harder to reach nicer colors, but I think this is more logical than 6 colors representing four excellence states.


If it isn't a mistake, and that is what xvm wants it to be, then I can live with it.   But, you are correct, it is sort of a dumb scale.  A person that is playing better than 94.99% on a particular tank is not simply "good" in my opinion.


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