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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Nie ma sensu recznie kasowac tych folderow bo tym zajmuje sie instalator. Logi sa dziwne, bo czesc plikow podchodzi z 12 lutego, a reszta z dzisiaj. Te z instalacji sa z 12 luty wiec wydaje mi sie ze instalujesz do zlego folderu, upewnij sie ze instalujesz do prawidlowego folderu. Generalnie nie jest to blad instalatora, ale lokalny.
  2. Dzieki, a jeszcze powiedz to bylo za kazdym razem, czy czasami?
  3. Jakim czolgiem grales w momencie jak to sie dzialo? Czy ogladanie powtórki z gry tez powoduje jakies zawieszki czy tez tylko bylo to w momencie wychodzenia z bitwy? W jaki sposob wychodziles z bitwy: automatycznie (po jej zakonczeniu), czy jak zginales to wychodziles recznie? Czy przed takich wychodzeniem recznym zmieniales podglad na inny czolg ktory byl w bitwie ? (jesli tak to jaki?).
  4. Ok, btw. crash logs are for WG, it's useless to me.
  5. v1.4.0.1 #14 (04-03-2019): - updated Marks On Gun Extended 6.03 - updated Hangar Armor Inspector - removed Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (Zorgane) (suspected for crashing)
  6. Gralem pare bitew na tych samych modach co w logach i nie napotkalem takiego problemu. Zobacz bez moda od dzwiekow Zorgane. Mozliwe ze jest zabugowany, bo ludzie zglaszaja na forach wlasnie problem z wyjsciem do hangaru.
  7. v.8.1.0 #07 (04-03-2019): - updated Alt Hud (should fix smoke timer) - updated Detection icons: It's a trap - updated clan icons - added Detection icons: Bee - added Detection icons: Chain
  8. Attach the logs not link to them ;) There is a new WoWs patch in 2 days, who knows, maybe it will fix that crashing for you as well.
  9. I ran special code that is extracting a list of tanks with auto-loader, and then using that list to create icons with their names, then I add that images in TIM.
  10. Na stronie xvm po zalogowaniu sie do swojego profilu.
  11. Unable to reproduce, played 5 battles with same mod setup like in logs and no problem with any button.
  12. I'm unable to check it on my computer without logs generated by my archiver.
  13. v.8.1.0 #06 (02-03-2019): - fixed recently added ui packages - fixed crosshair Horizon (dynamic)
  14. Here is some info (also check in spoiler): http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/672517-audio1400-02-epic-mega-music-collection
  15. v1.4.0.1 #13 (02-03-2019): - updated xvm configs - updated Marks On Gun Extended 6.02
  16. v.8.1.0 #05 (02-03-2019): - added Full Packages: Pravda Team, Garfield, ARP by Hakabase - added Historical Camo Pack 'Splinter' - added Lady commander names
  17. v1.4.0.1 #12 (01-03-2019): - fixed installation of minimap images in the minimap by ShuraBB (also corrected option name) - updated Marks On Gun Extended 6.01 - updated to XVM 7.8.2
  18. You have to select it in the modpack again now. - updated Minimap Extended (re-added option: Display target direction line)
  19. What ship and map was it? What is frequency of occurence?
  20. Sorry for inconvenience, it was my mistake. Fixed it. Please reinstall the modpack with option to clean DL cache folder (just once - uncheck it another time) As for the wrong option names, I will fix them in new update.
  21. v.8.1.0 #04 (01-03-2019): - updated Crooks World and moved to Full UI Packages (select it again) - updated semi-transparent fading minimap by fugetsu - updated Anime Ship Skins by Compass Rose: UK, USA - updated clan icons - updated mxstat - updated Camouflage Manager - updated contour icons: Panzerschiffer - updated port Murmansk - added flag mods by MajorRenegade
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