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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v.7.8.0 #08 (03-09-2018): - updated clan icons - updated mxstat - INFO: The Installer is supporting windows desktop scaling now!
  2. Yeah stay tuned One day.... it will return hehe. Anti-mirror files are for users who don't install XVM.
  3. v1.1.0 #07 (03-09-2018): - added UT Announcer (by BudyX69 & OldSkool) - added crew voices: Duke Nukem Voice v1 - added contour icons: Prudenter - added Duke Sound Deutsch crew voices - added Auxilium option: Tank carousel rows - updated XVM 7.7.2-dev [8599] (added yet another crash fix) - fixed Map-Rotation Log (F11 key in garage) [empty folder was missing] - removed Friends Marker - removed obsolete file from UTannouncer - INFO: The Installer is supporting windows desktop scaling now!
  4. Tab window is not working yet, there is info in changelog about it One day XVM devs will add support for this window I guess.
  5. WG logów instalujesz mody które nie pochodzą z mojej paczki usuń je.
  6. You have either the one from WG (in top right corner) or this:
  7. Try to play without Friends Marker, Map Rotation, Enemy Direction
  8. Occured once or it's more common? What have you been doing in battle when it happened?
  9. This mod is long time gone, it evolved into what we have now.
  10. Cannot find anything related to the given email
  11. Have a picture with this mod? There is Damage Meter in the modpack I don't think it ever changed its own colors.
  12. I'm collecting and checking logs, but cannot find any evidence that it's caused by mods. Only 1 person in this topic posted his logs :/
  13. Wygeneruj wiec logi jeszcze raz jak zagrasz jedna bitwe, wyjdz z gry zrob logi.
  14. W logach niektore pliki sa puste, jakbys gry nie odpalil wcale albo cos. Upewnij sie ze istalujesz do wlasciwego folderu, moze masz gre zainstalowana w dwóch miejsach na raz.
  15. 2018-09-01 13:31:19.595: INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Mod package 'c:/games/world_of_tanks/mods/1.1.0/target.wotmod' loaded 2018-09-01 13:31:38.251: INFO: [SL_PRO] Executed Script: mod_target.pyc or this 2018-09-01 13:31:37.059: INFO: [NOTE] Loading mod: extinguisher 2018-09-01 13:31:37.059: INFO: [extinguisher]: [extinguisher by Ekspoint] Sounds like cheats to me. I don't remember this mod in modpack, are you installing anything extra???
  16. Coincidence only. Try to play in windowed mode (borderless) instead of full screen.
  17. To get credited you should contact me (which you just done now) in Private Message not in public It doesn't automaticaly credit anyone who donates, because not everyone wants to be credited. It's not locked to euro, you can select own currency from the drop down menu, euro is only displayed by default. I need your real name or email you used to donate, to find and verify your donations. Thats why it should be posted in PM, you dont want these to be seen aby everyone here.
  18. v1.1.0 #06 (01-09-2018): - added crew voices: Romanians inside - added new mod: Prebattle Countdown Shadow Remover (by lgfrbcsgo) [at the bottom of modpack] - added Advanced Vertical TechTree - updated Wide border of maps - updated White death skins - updated Tech minimap images - updated HD minimap images - updated Map-Rotation Log (F10 key in garage) - updated crew icons: Female Crew Mod #1-#2, Anime v1-v2, Minions, Historical tankmans - updated hitzone skins: Esther - reworked XVM sight section - added new options (please select your mods again) - removed crew icons Girls Und Panzer crew (outdated)
  19. Due to technical reasons it's not possible to backup your choices in this mod. The mod is installing it to the file shared with many other mods at %appdata%.
  20. When it's unchecked automaticaly it means it has to be, the installer is fixing your bad choice.
  21. Autoaim Extended AutoAim Indication+ (wersja dozwolona) Proponuje nie instalowac ich na raz. Pewnie w nowej paczce dodam cos na zamiane za Autoaim Extended, gryzie sie z AAI+ u niektórych, być może to efekt.
  22. Tak na próbę, usuń może Otrzymane trafienia w bitwie, od tego moda zwykle zaczynają się błędy w logach.
  23. Proponuje zmienić na okno bez ramek i sprawdzić w ten sposób czy dalej się dzieje.
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