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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Yeah I broke it in #14 when I reverted the modpack. It's fixed in #16, will be released later today.
  2. Ok, I will revert XVM to 7.6.2 then, I saw similar reports on XVM forums, in bugs section: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/45234-1
  3. v1.0.1.1 #15 (04-06-2018): - fixed XVM sight (was causing XVM config to fail) - updated Autoaim Indication+ to version from 3rd May (new version is suspected for crashing)
  4. Nic nie kręcę, problemy moga byc rozne. Kolega napisal ze mu cos niezapamietuje, nie pisal nic o bledach, a bez logow nie da sie potwierdzic. Moze to byc celownik XVM ale musi.
  5. You got no errors in your logs. Could you try without Autoaim Indicator+ too? It was updated in #12. Please report in if you got it fixed without that mod.
  6. Instalator zapamietuje, ale byc moze wybierasz jakas inna opcje ktora moze odznaczyc niektore inne wybory, aby to stwierdzic musialbym zobaczyc logi (info w moim podpisie) oraz potrzebuje info jakie rzeczy mniej wiecej nie zapamietuje, czy np. sa to ustawienia minimapki XVM itp.
  7. There is a bug with installation of XVM sight, it's caused by transition between #13 and #14, I will fix it in #15. Sorry for this, but in #14 I had to revert to the old modpack, and forgot to change one file that was responsible to patch XVM sight configs.
  8. There is a bug with installation of XVM sight, it's caused by a transition between #13 and #14, I will fix it in #15. Sorry for this, but in #14 I had to revert to the old modpack, and forgot to change one file that was responsible to patch XVM sight configs.
  9. Have you generated that logs with the game client running or not?
  10. Załącz logi (info w podpisie posta). W nowej wersji paczki jest jeszcze jakis błąd który może powodować nieładowanie się konfigu xvm.
  11. Ten mod nie powróciy bo autor moda umieścił w nim złośliwy kod. Aktualna wersja ma kilka opcji, wybierz która pasuje bo są takie bez kredytów, aczkolwiek kolorowego paska nie uraczysz.
  12. Your logs are 1 month old. Coud you generate new ones? If you have problems with logs generation try to launch the archiver with admin rights.
  13. Ok, but without logs I cannot check anything in your case. Please attach them. Info in my signature.
  14. I don't need tests version screenshot anymore but thanks. Anything wrong with #14?
  15. Please add logs. Not sure why, that logs you attached here are from 8th may :/
  16. I need more time to check this. Could you post your logs?
  17. In paths.xml I see you have 7.3.0, maybe try to delete (secure this file) then perform game integrity check via game launcher or manualy edit it and place what I showed below. Current paths.xml should have this: <root> <Paths> <Path>res_mods/</Path> <Path key="9f176" type="PFS">res_packages</Path> <Path key="a1269">res</Path> <Path key="1db27" type="DLC">res_dlc</Path> </Paths> </root> python.log: [2018_05_31 20:25:15] [ModsAPI] 'PnFModsLoader.py' was not found at './res_mods/' [2018_05_31 20:25:15] Checking ./res_mods/: nothing was found The game is seeking the mods in wrong folder (, and in result is not loading them
  18. v1.0.1.1 #14 (03-06-2018): - updated Aslains WoT Logs Archiver (by BegiN) - updated Gun Reload Sound (added more voices to the UP sound, also added UP v2, Akiyama Yukari voice) - added music mods: Girls und Panzer, Anime
  19. Found it. The problem is when you are not installing on C:/ but on different drive or partition.
  20. Dobra juz nie trzeba, wiem co jest grane. Problem wystepuje tylko wtedy kiedy nie instaluje sie modpacka na dysku C ale na innym.
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