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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. I cannot make it to remeber everything, certain mods will be saved, while the others not, due to technical reason.
  2. Played a battle on same mods, no single message in notification window, but in python I see weird spam, that is pointing a path I don't even have: 2017-09-03 02:19:48.500: INFO: onArenaPeriodChange: cur period: 3, prev period: 2 2017-09-03 02:19:55.408: INFO: [SpotMessanger] Sixth Sense Message disabled 2017-09-03 02:19:56.079: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:20:22.588: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:20:43.475: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:09.677: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:10.639: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:14.542: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:16.689: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:20.667: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:25.310: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:34.814: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:49.074: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml 2017-09-03 02:21:50.079: INFO: [SpotMessanger] read config file: E:/Program Files (x86)/WorldOfTanks/mods/configs/chirimen.spotmessanger/config.xml
  3. v9.20 #04 (03-09-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7898 [fixes] - updated InBattle WN8 Calculator - updated Safe Shot Extended - updated Annoying Features Remover [added ClanLogo Remover] - replaced Info Panel with Extended version - added Trajectory - added Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree - added Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (by Zorgane) [not compatible with certain tank skins at this time !]
  4. Juz ktos z forum angielskiego to zglaszal, przekazalem autorowi, nic wiecej zrobic nie moge.
  5. Poczekaj na nowa paczke dzisiaj, moze cos zmieni, te wywalanie moze byc z powodu niedostosowanej wersji XVM do tego trybu.
  6. Bo trzeba miec tez osobne konto tam na ru, nie mozna grac na tym samym koncie co masz w europie.
  7. The mod wasnt updated for quite some time, so it may start falling apart Source of the mod: https://forum.worldofwarships.asia/topic/15787-aoki-hagane-no-arpeggio-skin-pack-dlc/
  8. Loaded same mods and got no problem, not sure why you're crashing. Maybe perform client integrity check, then reinstall the modpack.
  9. Cannot do anything about it, the grand battles are new battle mode, not all mods are ready for this it seem.
  10. In your logs you have some errors from PMOD and notifications from "Povolit speciální doplňky statistik (beta)". It does not have to mean that they are bugged, but it's worth to try. Start without YK beta, then without PMOD. PMOD has a lot of sub mods so it might be harder there.
  11. v.6.10.0 #02 (02-09-2017): - updated contour icons: Aslain, Hakabase - updated mxstat - updated Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack - updated No rust skins - updated MLP consumables - added all flag mods removed before after WoWs update - added Improved chat v1 and v2 - removed Pravda Team UI, More visible torpedoes in water & gun hits splash
  12. Do you guys have this problem when installing XVM only, without any other single mod? Would be great if someone can try it that way and send me logs.
  13. Powodem ze nie widzisz zarowek jest problem z czcionką XVM, wejdz do nich w windowsie, i skasuj wszystkie czcionki z nazwa XVM a nastepnie przeinstaluj paczke.
  14. Nie ma nowszej wersji tego moda, wiec musisz z tym zyc, albo poczekac az wyjdzie nowy Trajectory mod.
  15. You cannot block popup window. It comes with the installer.
  16. Fixes, but you get not intended font style :/ Provably better than nothing.
  17. v9.20 #03 (01-09-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7874 [fixed bootcamp mode, fixed "contourIcon"/"amount" option] - updated vxBattleFlash v1.5.1 - updated contour icons: J1mbo - updated TessuMod - updated SpotMessanger - added ATAC! - added Wide border of maps [full version] - temporary removed Crew Skill Informer, Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree, Trajectory, Research Watchdog
  18. Wyczyść może cache XVM w appdata https://eu.wargaming.net/support/kb/articles/396
  19. This version of Session Statistics requires XVM to work. There is also a non-XVM one, but I'm not using it.
  20. Removing Research watchdog solved it?
  21. That means Webium didn't update his mod properly, I only copied it from his latest modpack.
  22. https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/40744-missing-letters-in-tank-and-player-names/
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