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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v9.13.33 (15-02-2016): - updated XVM config: hangar.xc with new features - updated HD Minimaps by ShuraBB [added minimap click filter] - updated Autoaim indicator+ (0.9.13-20160205) [small kit usage fix] - updated contour icons: Druids - updated WG female icons [by Quaksen] - tuned up position of clan icons on the left playerspanel - added new options to the Autoaim indicator+ branch [repair with T, announce clip gun reload] - added ignore flags selected by users on the XVM website [fixed now] - uninstaller should correctly remove Aslains_DLC_cache folder now
  2. Do you have replays enabled in the first place? How to enable replays in WoWs: http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/19170-enabling-wows-replays/ If you have them enabled, they will show up in WoWs/replays/ folder.
  3. Make new topic maybe? Why you post it here? However no idea, it happens to very low number of people from time to time. Try to install different mod setup.
  4. Cool, I will add it today, hopefully.
  5. What do you mean by "nothing like the sights are supposed to look" ? Can you show it on picture, what you had before and what you have now? Describe your problem with more details, attach logs.
  6. Dobrze ze sie udalo :) Jeszcze myslalem ze moze ta opcja skalowania interfejsu ktora widzialem w grze, w ustawieniach grafiki, no ale jednak nie to :)
  7. Edit: res_mods\configs\xvm\default\hangar.xc Find: "onlineServers": { Now the harder part, I'm not sure what to add in brackets for NA, so try this: "ignoredServers": [NA1], (or "ignoredServers": [NA2], depending which server is EAST and which is WEST) Once you are done, add the same after "pingServers": {
  8. Yeah, he made it for FullHD only, you have to enter new values there. Got no info how the other panels works, you would have to check them by yourself.
  9. Details missing, check my signature how to report issue.
  10. Updated Druid's contour icons on the DLC server side. To install re-launch the installer, and pick clean-up dlc folder option.
  11. Mozesz troche dokladniej napisac co zrobiles, moze przyda sie uzytkownikom W10 w przyszlosci. :)
  12. 1. Nie wiem czemu nie przestawily sie statystyki na karuzeli, musialbym zobaczyc moge logi. (co to sa logi pisze w podpisie) 2. Przesunac sie da recznie edytujac pliki konfiguracyjne. Hitlog.xc a tam bawic sie koordynatami x i y. W tym przypadku chodzi o os Y. 3. Pewnie zainstalowales mod ktory to umozliwia, usun go.
  13. Nie pomoge, nie znam powodu tego bledu. Sorry. Pojawia sie on na bardzo niskiej ilosci komputerow, prawdopodobnie z winy systemu.
  14. Yeah I am aware of something like this, I tried to tell it to author, but not sure he understood me. That mod was not updated so don't use it or live with it for now, until he releases a fix.
  15. Does it mean it works fine only in 1080p? What it looks like in lower res?
  16. Added link with mod list to the OP: List of mods: http://pastebin.com/raw/a6Vi7CFT
  17. Nie pomoge wiecej bo nie wiem czemu to Ci sie dzieje. System zabezpieczania pliku ze statami nie zmienialem od paru lat, wykonuje on to co zawsze i nie ma prawa nagle przestac ot tak sobie. Moze to przez W10 cos tam siedzi ukrytego i miesza.
  18. First one is ok. If you have troubles then no problem, it takes 1 sec to convert to utf-8 :)
  19. I know, already changed it localy. WG changed that name I guess.
  20. Great :) There was info in the mod preview too, wish I could set CB mode in the game but cannot, it has to be done by user.
  21. v9.13.32 (11-02-2016): - removed "ignore flags selected by users on the XVM website" (requires update) - updated sounds.xc (corrected few paths, added missing ones) - updated userInfo.xc (extra user info shall be displayed in user profile now)
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