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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. You could be using \World of Warships\Aslains_Custom_mods\ to install them automatically with every time you run the installer
  2. Looks nice with the compact style of it. Wonder how many things use Battle_Elements.. might take a while to implement if there's a lot of mods using that file
  3. Looks like ReShade will remain a bannable program to use: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/75gvo5/on_reshade_whitelisting/
  4. I haven't used or looked into crosshairs for quite a while now I'm afraid. Maybe Aslain or someone else knows more about crosshairs, and know a larger one.
  5. Even without the two sub-options it should be showing the X, as far as I know. Could you make a report over in the issues / bug reporting section, and make sure to attach the log file created by the archiver program?
  6. Would be better if you attached the replay
  7. The video is over 2 years old, keep this in mind. So things might not work as they did back then
  8. I got the same selections for the minimap mod as you do, and I see the "code" in the config file for the x is in there. I tried another config file from somewhere else, that didn't have the same "code", and the x was missing. So it should be fine?...
  9. Pretty sure it's: "Minimap with ship names" and it's about halfway in the list.
  10. So it's the same for both regions ingame, that there's no expiration listed... But in the EU shop, there are notes about expiration, and in the news article as well; Example taken from the newest AMX Cda 105. *Important: the missions in this package can only be completed on the AMX Canon d'assaut 105 after the First Victory of the Day bonus is used up, and will expire on 1 February 2018. < in the news article Important: the missions in this package can only be completed on the AMX canon d'assaut 105 after the First Victory of the Day bonus is used up, and will expire on 1 February 2018. < on the shop page
  11. There isn't any expiration dates shown ingame, which is really annoying though... there's expirations listed on everything else though... makes it a bit harder to track the missions and when they need to be done by.
  12. This feature is still in the modpack, and hasn't left at any point either... "Enable ability to record battle replays", in the Tweaks section, towards the bottom of the installer list. Same place where Training Rooms are enabled.
  13. That sucks... seems WG NA has their issues lately. In WoWs they banned a lot of people using innocent programs like ReShade. And in WoT, they messed up those missions? On EU they always listed the expiration date, as far back as I remember.
  14. Unlikely. Pretty much every update breaks mods.
  15. Place this file in your: \World of Tanks\Aslains_Custom_mods\ folder. And run the installer with your brighter or camo tanks carousel icons option. It'll overwrite all the premium tanks with the gold icons. (Since it's unpacked after the other one) Aslains_GoldPremiumTanks_9.20_Custom.7z
  16. As a side note, for your contour icons:
  17. Please. There's no point overcomplicating things with a weird statement like that. Everyone understands when it comes to mods that "illegal" = "not allowed to use". (And if you want to go ahead with your idea... then http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/law, "a rule, usually made by a government (Wargaming, in this case), that is used to order the way in which a society (the players) behaves") Aslain's modpack is legal / allowed / legit. There's NOTHING in the modpack that would break Wargaming's rules. You won't get banned from using Aslain's modpack. Aslain has contact with WG, and asks them to verify mods that has even the slightest grey area.
  18. The players are NOT using the laser beam in Wargaming League. It's PURELY for the VIEWERS to be able to see easier. The OBSERVERs showing the games, will sometimes switch those lasers on, to better show where people are aiming at eachother. The mod remains ILLEGAL for players. Hope that answers it.
  19. It's ONLY programs that hook into the game, such as ReShade that are affected. There's no such program in Aslain's modpack. Everything in Aslain's modpack is legal. As for the replays enabled and training room: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/743wu8/message_from_the_na_publishing_team_regarding_the/dnvcuib/
  20. It's ONLY programs that hook into the game, such as ReShade that are affected. There's no such program in Aslain's modpack. Everything in Aslain's modpack is legal. As for the replays enabled and training room: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/743wu8/message_from_the_na_publishing_team_regarding_the/dnvcuib/
  21. I seriously doubt a texture pack is going to do anything. Texture packs use the textures already in the game, and changes them. External program is something COMPLETELY different. Keep in mind that ReShade is an external program that hooks into the game, in the same way that external cheat programs does it. That's why WG NA fucked up and banned a lot of ReShade users.
  22. If you just re-install the modpack, it'll remember settings between each time.. if you want to uninstall, and then install, you'll probably need to: Save the "_Aslains_Installer_Options.inf" file; and look at this post:
  23. The entry in the app list will probably still be there. That's why I suggested he just install the modpack in a random folder, and then runs the uninstall program. Usually Windows should be asking "Do you want to remove this entry anyways?" if it cannot find the uninstaller, not sure why his is not asking for that.
  24. Shouldn't really matter at all. But if you really want to get rid of it, just install the modpack to some random folder, and uninstall it from there. Alternatively, I'm sure there are programs that can remove such entries as well.
  25. No, you are NOT losing camouflage bonus when using a tank skin - nor will you magically gain camouflage bonus from using them. Skins are client side, and will not affect your tank in any way, shape or form on the actual game. Others sees the tank as the vanilla client displays them, unless they use the skin too. As for the skin for the T30, I guess it should be possible, though I do not know how, and I'm pretty sure the author hates requests Maybe someone else can help out for it..
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