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Everything posted by Quaksen

  1. Hehe... I doubt Aslain is ever bored... he's looking at the modpack daily, pretty much :D
  2. Based on the poorly english error message, I'm guessing it's one of the Russian mods that fails to check for it's updates, and then complains.. Do you have a firewall that might be blocking some mod from contacting it's website?
  3. No need to say sorry, it's perfectly fine to add such a question :) You'll need to grab a texteditor (I can recommend Notepad++, freeware!), and then head into: \World of Tanks\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\l10n\ and then, depending on your language, open (for example) en.xc (for English), and knock yourself out :) And find the section starting with: // Carousel (towards the bottom of the file) To avoid having to do the edits every time you do a clean install, you'll need to use the custom mods folder to "install" your edited file afterwards :) (See the custom mods folder for more info (\World of Tanks\Aslains_Custom_mods\), and if you need help on that, feel free to post, or message me privately) Was it the reserve option? ;) Hehe
  4. Hm. Well, generally, the common cause when someone suddenly doesn't see their tanks, is the Reserve filter is turned on. Yours will have it named differently, since I customized my own, but it'll most likely be the bottom one that got ticked... install the XVM garage/tank carousel again, and have a look there :)
  5. And what about the filters (when you have XVM tank carousel), such as Reserve, Elite, and so on? :)
  6. Exactly. You selected a filter (one that XVM tank carousel has) which hid all your tanks. Install it again, and look at your filter settings.
  7. You have, by accident, selected some filter that made all your tanks "vanish", since they didn't match the filter options you hit.
  8. And you have to admit.... if the DD was COMPLETELY UNDETECTABLE in the smoke cloud, it would be even more stupidly overpowered than it already is... :P
  9. Not sure then - but hopefully someone has an idea about it :) (Maybe it just takes time to properly update... check in a few days I guess :) )
  10. What do you have selected in these?
  11. Hydroacoustic Search: Increases the range of detecting enemy torpedoes and ships for 40 seconds, including the ones hidden behind a smoke cloud.
  12. The XVM flag? http://modxvm.com and the settings
  13. As long as it's not a zeppelin... :P
  14. Improved Chat is greyed out because it's not properly updated yet. There's an RU version, but who wants Russian cluttering their client :P
  15. I liked the Karlsruhe, I haven't played the tier 5 enough to even know it's name, lol.. Kónigsberg I think it is? It seems okay. I'm dreading the thought of the Yorck, since I know how easily I destroy them with my battleships (lovely citadel hits on the Yorck :P )
  16. Can't speak for the tier 4 ship (Karlsrune) as I don't own it anymore, but the one after it (tier 5), has the Hydroacoustic Search consumable.. so he probably does too at tier 4. 99% chance that the Karlsruhe is the one that detected you with "radar" :)
  17. Yes, he does.. that's what I meant with "didn't get the updated mod", as in, he didn't check the download places he usually does (be it author, or a combined mod site, not sure really :P ) and then add it :) He'll see this thread when he's not sleeping :D
  18. If it's not added back yet, it's because Aslain didn't get the updated mod.
  19. Press F1 twice, and it'll work fine. It's a World of Tanks bug.
  20. Odd, but glad you got it working ;)
  21. Go to http://modxvm.com/en/ and click on "Activate services" and then login. :)
  22. Yes, he will. (Should be guaranteed now, since I dropped the link to him in Skype :) )
  23. Then this is probably the point where you wait for Aslain to wake up (since he's most likely sleeping at this hour of the night), and fix it, if he can :) (or point out if you, me and anyone else missed something) :D
  24. You have already been told "then what", did you try it? Look at all the "Type" options in the ingame crosshair settings. One of them is the one you selected in the installer.
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