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Personal Mission Helper - English translation

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8 minutes ago, ChicagoJay said:

It was MT-12 that has that description.  Nice case of Engrish.


If someone can get me the text objects, I'd be happy to help perfect their English.

The entire locale list from the config is:


    "locale": {
        "ADD_QUEST": "<font size=\"{FONT_SIZE}\" face=\"$IMELanguageBar\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">Secondary conditions:</font>",
        "AT": "TD",
        "DELIMITER": "; ",
        "MAIN_QUEST": "<font size=\"{FONT_SIZE}\" face=\"$IMELanguageBar\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">Primary conditions:</font>",
        "SPG": "SPG",
        "_and_": "and",
        "_or_": "or",
        "_plus_": "and",
        "avatarDamageDealt": "Cause damage with battle reserves",
        "avatarKills": "Destroy with battle reserves",
        "byShot": "By shot",
        "capturePoints": "Capture points",
        "classes": "class:",
        "classesDiversity": ", by different classes",
        "correspondedCamouflage": "Active camouflage",
        "critsCount": "Damage modules and crew",
        "crits_destroyed_track": "Detrack",
        "damageAssistedRadio": "Make Assisted damage",
        "damageAssistedRadioWhileInvisible": "Make Assisted damage, being invisible",
        "damageAssistedTrack": "Make Assisted damage on technique, detrack",
        "damageAssistedTrack _plus_ damageAssistedRadio, damageDealt": "The amount of damage done, as well as assisted damage or after you shoot down the tracks",
        "damageBlockedByArmor": "Blocked damage",
        "damageDealt": "Make damage",
        "damageDealt _plus_ damageReceived, damageBlockedByArmor": "The amount of the damage dealt, damage received and damage blocked",
        "damageDealt_max": "Get to the top by damage",
        "damageReceived": "Damage received",
        "damaged": "Cause damage",
        "damagedByShot": "Deal damage",
        "damagedVehicleCntAssistedRadio": "Assisted damage on technique",
        "damagedVehicleCntAssistedTrack": "Assisted damage on technique, detrack",
        "damagedVehicleCntAssistedTrack _plus_ damagedVehicleCntAssistedRadio": "Make assisted damage or force down the tracks on technique",
        "deathCount": "Lost vehicles",
        "death_zone": " Death zone",
        "directHits": "Direct hits",
        "distance": ", distance",
        "droppedCapturePoints": "Defense points",
        "drowning": " drowning",
        "enemyImmobilized": ", enemy must be immobilized",
        "enemyIsNotSpotted": ", <font size=\"{FONT_SIZE}\" face=\"$IMELanguageBar\" color=\"#D4AF37\">which was not detected</font>",
        "enemySpeed": ", enemy speed",
        "eventCount": ", in an amount",
        "fire": " by fire",
        "flagCapture": "Capture the flag",
        "gas_attack": " by gas attack",
        "greater": "more ",
        "greaterOrEqual": "no less ",
        "heavyTank": "HT",
        "inBattleMaxPiercingSeries": "Number of consecutive penetrations",
        "innerModuleCritCount": "Damage the internal module or crew member",
        "innerModuleDestrCount": "Destroy the internal module or crew member",
        "installedModules": "Installed modules",
        "isAlive": "Survive",
        "isAnyOurCrittedInnerModules": "No damage to the internal modules of own vehicle",
        "isEnemyBaseCaptured": "Capture the enemy base",
        "isNotSpotted": "Not being detected entire battle",
        "killedByShot": "destroy",
        "kills": "Destroy enemy",
        "killsAssistedRadio": "Do assisted damage, until it is destroyed",
        "killsAssistedTrack": "Shoot down the enemy tracks until it is destroyed",
        "killsAssistedTrack _plus_ killsAssistedRadio": "Do assisted damage to enemy or break his tracks until it is destroyed",
        "km/h": "km/h",
        "less": "less ",
        "lessOrEqual": "no more ",
        "lightTank": "LT",
        "limittedTime": ", в первые",
        "lvlDiff": ", on vehicle to %s Tiers higher",
        "lvlDiff_one": ", on vehicle to 1 Tier higher",
        "lvlDiff_self": ", on vehicle on same Tier or higher",
        "mediumTank": "MT",
        "meter": "m",
        "percentFromTotalTeamDamage": "Percentage of the total damage of allies",
        "ramming": " by ramming",
        "shot": " by shot",
        "soloFlagCapture": "Capture the flag",
        "spotted": "Spot enemy",
        "spottedAndDamagedSPG": "Detect and cause damage to the SPG",
        "spottedBeforeWeBecameSpotted": "Detect the enemy before you are spotted by someone from the opposing team",
        "total": " among all the teams",
        "unitVehicleDamage": "Cause damage while in platoon",
        "unitVehicleKills": "Destroy the enemy while in platoon",
        "vehicleDamage": "Deal damage",
        "vehicleDamage_fireStarted": "Set an enemy vehicle in fire",
        "vehicleKills": "Destroy enemy",
        "whileEnemyFullHealth": ", while enemy is at full HP",
        "whileEnemyMoving": ", while enemy is moving",
        "whileEnemyWithFlag": ", the enemy must carry the flag",
        "whileFullHealth": ", without losing HP up to this point",
        "whileInvisible": ", <font size=\"{FONT_SIZE}\" face=\"$IMELanguageBar\" color=\"#D4AF37\">unspotted</font>",
        "win": "Win",
        "winPoints": "Win points",
        "world_collision": " by falling",
        "xp_max": "Get to the top by EXP"


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