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WoWs Modpack update to 13.4.0 is in progress... ×


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. That mod Training Room was made by WG (then they removed it from client), I think that survey you see is outdated and not working correctly, but still showing up sometimes.
  2. I have tried clean WoWs client, and it's the same there, still slow. So it's not mods.
  3. Dont forget to uncheck showing tier in game options:
  4. Yup, this is your problem: Vehicle Contour Icons WoT's original icons
  5. Select an iconset in the modpack, with names you like, then you will see them. The ones on picture are mine Aslains regular built in icons.
  6. v0.3.3 (25-05-2015): - added Minimap with ship name and last known position
  7. Reposting Leeuniverse post from wot forums: Looks like he was only banned from WOT for 1 week. Also, Wargaming should have actually told him "specifically" what mod he was banned for, so I'm not sure on what to think on this. Oh, I see what ESL is..... Reading through one of the threads it specifically states from ESL that all mods allowed by Wargaming are allowed by ESL. So, looks like people shouldn't have been banned. As to Wargaming NA, the being able to click through an object to auto-aim, IS legal. It's somewhere on this forum. But I think the version of that mod that shows the "outline" of the tank through objects might not be? But, not sure on that. I still need to refind that statement from Wargaming on the forum and screenshot it. Further however, Wargaming EU doesn't have a banned mod list, so they essentially allow everything, though the "obvious" stuff like removal of trees etc. could get one banned, but you I guess don't have anything in your pack like that, so sounds more stupidity of Wargaming and ESL to me. This is why Wargaming NA finally created their list, because a Famous person "Sela" right, got temp banned for a couple of mods he used. Wargaming RU has had a list forever...... What's sad is their list allows enemy gun direction, but Wargaming NA bans it. Me so sad..... LOL, that's the one other mod I want legal. Like, I'm glad Wargaming NA finally made the reload timer legal, as long as it doesn't data mine exact reload, only shows base reload. But, I don't know what's so complicated to have just ONE Uniform list across all servers, that's clear and direct. I mean, it's easy as crap to do. But, it's Wargaming, nothing is easy for them. Bunch of quality control idiots running that place. So, like I said, it just looks like another random idiot at ESL and/or Wargaming doing things because they feel like it, incorrectly interpreting the rules, or whatever. Cause, I see people were banned using mods that aren't even close to illegal, and have always been legal, like XVM, Sixth Sense and Jimbo's sights. Looks like there's nothing you can do about it..... That person using your pack however and says he got a one week ban from WOT needs to find out EXACTLY what mod he got banned for. He needs to make clear that all mods he's using seems legal according to EU, NA & RU rules. Though, like I said that auto-aim through objects even without high-lighting people might disagree on. NA at least though has said it's fine. Me, I only use the one of that through AAS, so it doesn't highlight. Anyway, looks like such fun ahead for them all...... Looks like just ESL foot in mouth. Nothing you really can do at this point until we know more. http://play.eslgaming.com/worldoftanks/europe/news/256407/ Oh, I see ESL are specifically referring to Wargaming's hugely flawed "Creation of Derivative Works" statement, which essentially ban's all mods if read for what it says, but clearly all mods aren't banned. Again, this is part of why the banned mod list for NA was created, because of that stupid statement.
  8. On the other hand if you select my recommended mods from pull down menu in the installer, then switch colorset to blue vs red, it's installing it well, and colors on minimap are displayed correctly. Maybe it has something to do with disabled OTM.
  9. I don't know why, the config looks ok, I have "ally_alive": "0x35A5FF", but it still displays the icons as green. Make no sense.
  10. I think it's from Training Room mod, remove it and it shold be gone
  11. Think I have it too, I don't care, as long as I can play a battle :) Maybe one of mods is doing this.
  12. v0.3.2 (24-05-2015): - updated Kriegsmarine Österreich flags by Admiral_Tegetthoff - re-added Japan Navy flags by pold77 - added Kaiserliche und Königliche Kriegsmarine flags by pold77 - added Compass & 6th sense by m0nstertr4x options - added crosshair Green Lemon with Black Lines by Bowser
  13. Chodzi o to ze nie aktywowal statystyk, ich aktualizacja to calkiem inna rzecz. Czyli np. uzywa paskow hp, minimapki XVM i calej otoczki XVM'a (bo XVM to same nie staty - dla wielu osob tak jest wlasnie) ale bez widzenia statystyk graczy.
  14. XVM Only v4.4.0-test1 (24-05-2015): - compatible with 0.9.8 CT - added contour icons for 0.9.8
  15. v0.3.1 (23-05-2015): - fixed installing contour icons by pold77 - added Training Room enabler (use at your own risk, bugged in - added Kriegsmarine Österreich flags by Admiral_Tegetthoff - added crosshair shark reworked by atmaxx - uninstaller should remove all files correctly now
  16. v4.3.26 (23-05-2015): - added option to selected tank highlighter color on tank carousel - fixed script for uninstalling the modpack, it's now safe to use uninstall function - updated greek language file by Sirithlhach1 - removed Battle Assistant from AAS (it's not working well. You may try to use external BA instead)
  17. Dzisiaj usuwam BA z AAS, i bedzie po staremu. Jesli bedzie sie wieszac, to lepiej nie uzywac AAS wcale.
  18. I just learnt how to make my own mod, will not use OMC's. It will look the same, but I will base on latest swf files, while their is some old...
  19. Why unsuccessfull? Just change that numbers I marked for you. Make them lower, like 0.7 or something. Dunno about battle clock, please show on screenshow what you see, you didnt post logs, i have no idea what mods you are using and that matters.
  20. Played few battles with these mods you selected , no issues :/ Also I do not recommend to use regular icons with options you selected, pick classical or centered icons, otherwise it will look bad, with wrong icon align over hp bars
  21. Only this text should be there :) https://bpaste.net/show/537c1dfe1b35
  22. Hope you didn't translate des_ and desc_lines all des_ and desc_ has to be removed.
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