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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Tak zajmuje się tym wszystkim jestem w kontakcie z WG, zobaczymy co bedzie, na razie ciezko mi cos wiecej zrobic, bo czekam na opowiedz.
  2. Looks like AV/network problem, try to disable my update checker (first mod in list, also ZJ reload may give you bugs cause of this issue).
  3. I have latest scripts in modpack, if they update them I will do it too. I only know that RN stats should work fine, according to authors.
  4. I fixed it all , wait for new modpack today.
  5. No logs, so confirming gives me no help at all.
  6. Too bad you didnt attach both of them here, for checking. logs would help great time too...
  7. Played few battles on that logs, never crashed. Today I will update one mod, and XVM, maybe it will make difference for you.
  8. Logs are from the old installer (08), always post latest installer logs.
  9. carousel I fixed localy, will be in todays modpack.
  10. Carousel highlighting is well working weird this time, and clan icons are installed correctly, yet you see only top clans, this should be asked on korean random I guess. Could not reproduce audio issues, I can hear hangar sounds.
  11. Hmm works, try again.
  12. v9.14.09 (19-03-2016): - updated XVM (5267) - updated XVM's clan icons packages (from March 2016) - updated hitzones by KoreanRandom - updated XVM config [added entries for new features] - added Damage Panel with angles (by ZeesuS) - added Selected tank highlighter on XVM carousel - added GTO's Penetration marker [without sound] - added PMOD Stats config by PapaDigi [DE] - added ignore flags selected by users on the XVM website - added Show vehicle mod [fixed] - moved Display results from previous battle [PMOD] to Chat Mods sections - enabled results from previous battle in both YasenKrasen and RN session stats - reworked the 6th sense sound system again [we don't need xmls to run them now] - disabled Region Changer [requires update] - disabled option: Don't play Fire & Ammorack damage sounds [requires update]
  13. NIe wiem skad te dzwieki wgrywasz, ale wszystkie mody dzwiekowe z 9.13 i wczesniej przestaly dzialac. Potrzebujesz nowych wersji. Byc moze efekt braku dzwieku ktory doswiadczas jest spowodowany tym ze instalujesz stare mody.
  14. Po angielsku akurat mam ale w tym samym miejscu znajdziesz w pl:
  15. I havent seen anyone remaking them, but who knows.... one day maybe...someone will remake them.
  16. Chyba wroca, WG pozmienialo tak z dzwiekami w 9.14 ze na razie jest chaos i malo co dziala.
  17. Sciagnij najnowszy modpack (08) i sprawdz czy nadal masz problemy.
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