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Everything posted by Theolitius

  1. must be the sight installed that was showing it, do not know what else can show text. there are certain setting ingame, try to change the Gun Marker for Arcade/Sniper
  2. i know steam has a certain structure of the folders, this will probably helpout.
  3. think it was related with the Carousel exented issue from yesterday, i did not merged the topics and missed this one it should be fixed with the v.10.3.0 #13 (01-05-2021) release, if not attach logs
  4. think it was some teaser, most python logs showed this 021-05-02 10:46:44.982: ERROR: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at net.wg.gui.lobby.post::Teaser/setState() glad it is fixed now, thx all for the quick logs and info btw
  5. that is strange has XVM nightly [8.7.8_22] the same as the latest modpack release hope they fixed the disconnecting issue now then.
  6. it looks indeed like xvm is the issue, strange enough i am not getting disconnected and stats where even showing in battle. for now you could disable xvm in modpack or play safe mode.
  7. Minimap by Shurabb will disable the xvm minimap features so you will have to decide what you want to use, xvm minimap or tactical minimap.
  8. yes that is possible check the game options, general page, left side way on the bottom it will remember the last server you picked if you enable this
  9. not all mods have options but still need the same files to run. is the Champi mods settings also empty?
  10. the issue is causes by Speed scroll in service channel you could delete it for now, already did notify Aslain about this
  11. if you have the same mod config, there are options to change the sight ingame it will be difficult to find the exact setting mod or ingame, maybe you have a screenshot somewhere (probably not on new pc)
  12. and if you now enable this general options, right side just below sniper zoom lvl it happens sometimes if you remove a battle score/hp bar mod that this gets disabled automatic
  13. it will not work with the Colored markers on the battle score panel you will have to decide to use divided (ingame feature) or colored (from xvm) if you want to disable the colored, you can find it in OTHER XVM SETTINGS
  14. could you attach the logs, so i can load the same config without to much hassle then i will try to recreate it and if i find anything forward it to aslain. here is the link how to make the logs (just in case) https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/
  15. did you perhaps dragged the damage done logs outside the window? (when pressing CTRL key you can move it around) just tested with same config and works fine for me, also no sign of issues in the logs at all.
  16. some points are simple to explain XVM will "overwrite" some ingame features, if you want the new segment that the battle score panel gets divided do not install XVM team hp bars/colored. so you will have to figure out what you want from the game itself and the XVM features. i can advice to reduce some things, test in a replay if you like it or not, then you can always make changes later on, adding things. hope this helps out for some of your points
  17. we need logs to help further here is the link again where it is explained https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/ will try to explain how to make the logs step by step somewhere you have this icon "Aslains WoT Logs Archiver" either on your desktop or in the World of Tanks folder Run/Start that program, it will show you a screen like this Press Archive logs Press Finish, that should redirect you to the Logs as example i will add my logs to this Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  18. could you attach logs, here it shows how to do that (mainly red text) https://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/9-how-to-report-a-bug-or-issue/ currently playing with latest build and do not have any issues.
  19. yes, it is the same mod/maker (reven86) that is included.
  20. if you are sure you installed v1.12.0.0 #15b you can ignore the message, will notify Aslain about this.
  21. if they are not added in the modpack they are not updated yet at 1.11 somewhere the light lvl was incorrect, the maker did not fixed that issue yet.
  22. oh no... anyway. Hide Battle Hints, part of xvm just a bit above [ NON-XVM MODS BRANCH ]
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