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Who has radar at Tier 5

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Can't speak for the tier 4 ship (Karlsrune) as I don't own it anymore, but the one after it (tier 5), has the Hydroacoustic Search consumable.. so he probably does too at tier 4.

99% chance that the Karlsruhe is the one that detected you with "radar" :)

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I liked the Karlsruhe, I haven't played the tier 5 enough to even know it's name, lol.. Kónigsberg I think it is? It seems okay. I'm dreading the thought of the Yorck, since I know how easily I destroy them with my battleships (lovely citadel hits on the Yorck :P )


OK.  Guess I was thinking that was only a "radar" warning... wasn't thinking about the Hydro search when that icon popped up.


Thanks guys.


Ok, TIL Hydroacoustic can unmask Destroyers ... i thought it was only extending the detectability range for incoming torpedoes.  

that makes it actually useful all of a sudden.

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Hydroacoustic Search: Increases the range of detecting enemy torpedoes and ships for 40 seconds, including the ones hidden behind a smoke cloud.

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    Hydroacoustis Search is only supposed to detect the noise generated by either torpedo running in the water( Engine / Motor) or the Destroyers engine operating within the smoke cloud. But that is realistic, the game is not so you will be detected sitting still engine off (full stop). Then again it is possible for arguments sake that the engine is idling on not in gear. So you are detected because of engine sound with Hydroacoustic Search.

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And you have to admit.... if the DD was COMPLETELY UNDETECTABLE in the smoke cloud, it would be even more stupidly overpowered than it already is... :P

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I'm gonna go on record and say the German Hydro-acoustic search gives away beached ships, i.e. no prop wash. On more than one occasion I've seen the smoke pop, hit my hydro-acoutsic-pancake-maker-dog-declawer and found the enemy DD beached, quietly, until I put a few rounds in them and then the classic "Hakorz!" cry slips across the blue Aslain-enlarged ocean waves.....

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8 hours ago, Kreole said:

I'm gonna go on record and say the German Hydro-acoustic search gives away beached ships, i.e. no prop wash. On more than one occasion I've seen the smoke pop, hit my hydro-acoutsic-pancake-maker-dog-declawer and found the enemy DD beached, quietly, until I put a few rounds in them and then the classic "Hakorz!" cry slips across the blue Aslain-enlarged ocean waves.....

Assuming the "Hydro-acoustic" searh in the game is similar to what is commonly called "sonar", that would pickup any noises, not just prop-wash style noises.  Anything with moving parts that is eventually connected to the hull of a ship (unless mitigated with a sound dampening material) will transmit noise through the hull of the ship out into the water.  Water is a much better conductor of noise than air so it will travel for a long way.

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more about Hydroacoustics for those who want to know



Also: most engines of that era were steam turbines, or steam turbines to electric ... they make zero noise when the ship stands still. Only the turbines used for electrical power generation .. aka auxiliaries are making noise at that moment. Those can be targeted for noise dampening mounting and such, so the sound profile would have been ridiculously small.

Later destroyers were testbeds for Diesel engines. And Torpedo Boats would use gasoline engines, which is a whole different set of crazy. Wood hull for low radar profile + 3 extremely hot running gasoline engines, talk about riding the bomb. 


I love my Yorck after watching this I have rethink the ship that i gave up  some time ago.

The German hydro is great on helping to dodge those torps + the fighter plane. DDs are fun, but I find more fun in hunting them down

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