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Chat and armor penetrator broken with Battle observer

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4 hours ago, billyzbear said:

Battle observer doesn't seem to be working....

Yup, same here. Python.log doesn't mention any errors or warnings, but it doesn't work in game for me.


Went to the BO thread on BW forum and downloaded the latest version which works just fine.


I have also noticed there is a file in BO which is missing in the modpack - polarfox.vxBattleFlash_1.5.1.wotmod (under 'mods\version'), so I deleted the vxBattleFlash_1.5.1.wotmod and put this new one instead. BO works now.


Just a heads up, BO is not working for me in Grand Battle mode. The result stays at 0:0 the whole match and the chatbox is not working. :( 

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, zzarac said:

Just a heads up, BO is not working for me in Grand Battle mode. The result stays at 0:0 the whole match and the chatbox is not working. :( 

Yeah I noticed though with that chat box that it works in tier 1,2,and 3 battles but not higher tier..... If I knew russian I would write the mod author. I haven't had a grand battle yet with it so I haven't been able to notice it...

Edited by Davidinlv82

For me, the chat box works in all matches but grand battles. Actually, it is half-working there: i can read the chat, but can't type.

Have you tried deleting vxBattleFlash_1.5.1.wotmod from 'mods/' after copying polarfox.vxBattleFlash_1.5.1.wotmod there? I have a feeling both shouldn't be there at the same time.


ok I got it working I downloaded the mod from the site instead , but   the shell types r in Russian  can someone  please tell me wat they r 


"shellTypes" : {
                // Подкалибеный
                // Бронебойный
                // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
                // Фугас
                // Кумулятивный

  • Upvote 1
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Surely the parts where it says "ARMOR_PIERCING" isn't in Russian. :P


So top to bottom would be:



APHE (Not sure really.. don't think it's used)



  • Upvote 1

its ok i got it sorted  as  i downloaded the mod from the authorsite    , I also installed it through aslains installer  took both files out and changed   it all so it all comes out in english during game but. for some reason battle observer isn't working through aslain installer even replacing that file that was mentioned so I just take the files from wat I downloaded from authorsite and replce the files in wot folder and tinkered with wat I needed 


this is it changed to English 


                // Бронебойный
                // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
                // Фугас
                // Кумулятивный
                // неизвестно

  • Upvote 1

Ok so I redownloaded from that link and now my only problem is I have the damage log from Battle observer and the one I use from a different author from the modpack, how do I do away from the damage log from Battle observer?



when u download that link u have to do the changes yourself   , I had to do it myself  as everything is set to enabled . I  hate the spotting markers etc  so I disabled anything I don't want   from battle observer ,


but this is the path u use to change the options


C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\mods\configs\mod_battle_observer\armagomen   damage_log.json is the one for  disabling the logs u see .


hope u sort it out ,  I'm only doing it this way as we all know about aslain going into hospital , 


  • Upvote 1

Thanks for posting this. Disabling Battle Observer fixed my Chat issue while in a game. I'll wait for Aslain to get back before trying again.


@bubs79 Yeah everything is is russian and when I had it translated to english to figure out where to enable or disable something got messed up and I had errors like no other. I think I might have things the way I want except for damage logs which I just had to stick with using the in game ones for now. Hopefully Aslain will get better soon and be able to come back and fix this when he is better. Don't see why there isn't another person that has the ability to step in and take the reigns over for him when things like this comes up.


added 1 minute later
8 minutes ago, stylerod said:

Thanks for posting this. Disabling Battle Observer fixed my Chat issue while in a game. I'll wait for Aslain to get back before trying again.

We just said how to make it work, it's gonna be a few weeks before he comes back. I have mine working including the chat.

Posted (edited)


this with my damage log at top of screen and log at side of damage panel  both set enable  scroll down to  see where to change ,




    // Поменять местами полученный и нанесенный урон в стандартном вг логе.(опция поученный урон с верху в настройках)
    "wg_log_pos_fix" : false,
    // Скрыть критические попадания в стандатном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_crits" : false,
    // Скрыть заблокированный урон в стандартном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_block" : false,
    // Скрыть урон по разведданным и сбитой гусенице в стандартном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_assist" : false,
    // Альт режим логов по клавише.
    "logsAltmodeKey" : "KEY_LALT",
    "damage" : {
        "total": {
            // true - показывать нанеснный урон, false - скрыть.
            "showDamage" : true,                                                                      <---------- this ones for the little icons under the hp bar that show  stun  icons etc 
            // Позиция общих сумм урон/натанковано/засвет
            // Позиция зафиксирована под панелью в режиме Legue(не перемешается)
            "damagePosition" : {"x":150, "y":0},
            // дамаг, натанковано, засвет (сверху на панеле)
            "templateMainDMG" : "<textformat leading='-3'>{{damageIcon}}<font color='{{tankDamageAvgColor}}'>{{playerDamage}}</font>{{blockedIcon}}{{blockedDamage}}{{assistIcon}}{{assistDamage}}{{spottedIcon}}{{spottedTanks}}{{stunIcon}}{{stun}}{{mainGunLegue}}</textformat>",
            "damageIcon": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/damage.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "blockedIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/armor.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-9'>",
            "assistIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/help.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "spottedIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/detection.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "stunIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/stun.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            // Размер общих сумм в % от 0 до 1 (0.1, ..., 0.5, ..., 1)
            "mainLogScale" : 1
            // РАСШИРЕННЫЙ ЛОГ нанесенного урона шаблон
            // true - показывать расширенный лог нанесенного урона false - скрыть.
            "showExtendedLog": true,                                                                           <--------  this one is for the  the  hitlog at top of screen  (damage dealt)
            // Позиция пасширенного лога урона (от верхнего левого угла экрана)
            "damageLogPosition" : {"x":285, "y":60},
            // порядок добавления в лог false - в конец, true - в начало
            "reverse" : false,
            "killedIcon" : "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/destruction.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-13'>",
            "startTag" : "<textformat leading='-7' tabstops='[20, 55, 80, 100]'><font size='16'>",
            "extendedLog" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{totalDamage}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t{{tankName}}{{killedIcon}}",
            "extendedLogALTMODE" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{lastDamage}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t{{userName}}{{killedIcon}}",
            "endTag" : "</font></textformat>",
            // Настройка макроса {{shellType}}
            "shellTypes" : {
                // Подкалибеный
                // Бронебойный
                // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
                // Фугас
                // Кумулятивный
                // неизвестно
        // true - показывать лог полученного урона false - скрыть.
        "showlog" : true,                                                           <--------------------------     this one does the  damage received log  beside  damage panel 
        // порядок добавления в лог false - в конец, true - в начало
        "reverse" : false,
        // позиция расширенного лога полученного урона (от нижнего левого угла экрана)
        "inputLogPosition":{"x":235, "y":235},
        // настройка лога полученного урона.
        "killedIcon" : "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/destruction.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-13'>",
        "startTag" : "<textformat leading='-7' tabstops='[20, 55, 80, 100, 120]'><font size='15'>",
        "extendedLog" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{totalDamage}}</font>\t<font color='{{shellColor}}'>{{shellType}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t<font color='{{attackerColor}}'>{{tankName}}</font>{{killedIcon}}",
        "extendedLogALTMODE" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{lastDamage}}</font>\t<font color='{{shellColor}}'>{{shellType}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t<font color='{{attackerColor}}'>{{userName}}</font>{{killedIcon}}",
        "endTag" : "</font></textformat>",
        // Настройка макроса {{shellType}}
        "shellTypes" : {
            // Подкалибеный
            // Бронебойный
            // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
            // Фугас
            // Кумулятивный
            // неизвестно
        // Настройка макроса {{shellColor}}
    // Поменять местами полученный и нанесенный урон в стандартном вг логе.(опция поученный урон с верху в настройках)
    "wg_log_pos_fix" : false,
    // Скрыть критические попадания в стандатном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_crits" : false,
    // Скрыть заблокированный урон в стандартном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_block" : false,
    // Скрыть урон по разведданным и сбитой гусенице в стандартном логе.
    "wg_log_hide_assist" : false,
    // Альт режим логов по клавише.
    "logsAltmodeKey" : "KEY_LALT",
    "damage" : {
        "total": {
            // true - показывать нанеснный урон, false - скрыть.
            "showDamage" : true,
            // Позиция общих сумм урон/натанковано/засвет
            // Позиция зафиксирована под панелью в режиме Legue(не перемешается)
            "damagePosition" : {"x":150, "y":0},
            // дамаг, натанковано, засвет (сверху на панеле)
            "templateMainDMG" : "<textformat leading='-3'>{{damageIcon}}<font color='{{tankDamageAvgColor}}'>{{playerDamage}}</font>{{blockedIcon}}{{blockedDamage}}{{assistIcon}}{{assistDamage}}{{spottedIcon}}{{spottedTanks}}{{stunIcon}}{{stun}}{{mainGunLegue}}</textformat>",
            "damageIcon": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/damage.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "blockedIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/armor.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-9'>",
            "assistIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/help.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "spottedIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/detection.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            "stunIcon": " <img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/stun.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-10'>",
            // Размер общих сумм в % от 0 до 1 (0.1, ..., 0.5, ..., 1)
            "mainLogScale" : 1
            // РАСШИРЕННЫЙ ЛОГ нанесенного урона шаблон
            // true - показывать расширенный лог нанесенного урона false - скрыть.
            "showExtendedLog": true,
            // Позиция пасширенного лога урона (от верхнего левого угла экрана)
            "damageLogPosition" : {"x":285, "y":60},
            // порядок добавления в лог false - в конец, true - в начало
            "reverse" : false,
            "killedIcon" : "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/destruction.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-13'>",
            "startTag" : "<textformat leading='-7' tabstops='[20, 55, 80, 100]'><font size='16'>",
            "extendedLog" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{totalDamage}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t{{tankName}}{{killedIcon}}",
            "extendedLogALTMODE" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{lastDamage}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t{{userName}}{{killedIcon}}",
            "endTag" : "</font></textformat>",
            // Настройка макроса {{shellType}}
            "shellTypes" : {
                // Подкалибеный
                // Бронебойный
                // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
                // Фугас
                // Кумулятивный
                // неизвестно
        // true - показывать лог полученного урона false - скрыть.
        "showlog" : true,
        // порядок добавления в лог false - в конец, true - в начало
        "reverse" : false,
        // позиция расширенного лога полученного урона (от нижнего левого угла экрана)
        "inputLogPosition":{"x":235, "y":235},
        // настройка лога полученного урона.
        "killedIcon" : "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/efficiency/48x48/destruction.png' width='24' height='24' vspace='-13'>",
        "startTag" : "<textformat leading='-7' tabstops='[20, 55, 80, 100, 120]'><font size='15'>",
        "extendedLog" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{totalDamage}}</font>\t<font color='{{shellColor}}'>{{shellType}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t<font color='{{attackerColor}}'>{{tankName}}</font>{{killedIcon}}",
        "extendedLogALTMODE" : "<font size='12'>{{index}}:</font>\t<font color='#E0E06D'>{{lastDamage}}</font>\t<font color='{{shellColor}}'>{{shellType}}</font>\t{{attackReason}}\t<font color='{{tankClassColor}}'>{{classIcon}}</font>\t<font color='{{attackerColor}}'>{{userName}}</font>{{killedIcon}}",
        "endTag" : "</font></textformat>",
        // Настройка макроса {{shellType}}
        "shellTypes" : {
            // Подкалибеный
            // Бронебойный
            // Бронебойный с повышенным уроном
            // Фугас
            // Кумулятивный
            // неизвестно
        // Настройка макроса {{shellColor}}


Edited by Quaksen
Added spoiler so the post isn't so huge, also bolded and colored the hints

i did install the latest modpack yesterday and i alos use Battle Observer but it dosent show up ingame at all and sometimes the chat dosent work and i have to restart the game to fix this anyone got any clues?? 

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, steffenagermann said:

i did install the latest modpack yesterday and i alos use Battle Observer but it dosent show up ingame at all and sometimes the chat dosent work and i have to restart the game to fix this anyone got any clues?? 

The Battle Observer in the modpack is not complete or old version. Download the latest one HERE and copy to your 'mods' folder. Note: it still doesn't work for grand battles (you can't see the result during the match and can't type in chat.) Random battles are fine.

Edited by zzarac
Updated link to the latest version.
  • Moderator
1 minute ago, Davidinlv82 said:

I really wish I had a russian forum account or could manage to create one.....

What would you be needing the Russian forum account for? :) (You don't need one to download the mod)

32 minutes ago, Quaksen said:

What would you be needing the Russian forum account for? :) (You don't need one to download the mod)

No but I would like to get in contact with the mod author for not only this mod but a couple others as well


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