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  • Moderator

Hm - what version of the modpack were you using before your reinstall of the modpack? You reinstalled today.. but what did you use prior to that - which version - if you remember?

  • Administrator

It's useless I guess, if you reinstalled the modpack, we wanted to see what was installed at the ban time, not now.


Have you selected same mods now, like you had before?


only one I can see there in python log , is the  autoaim indication mod , . but they shud know the snap on feature has been removed.

do u have anything in the custom mod folder?

  • Moderator
Just now, bubs79 said:

only one I can see there in python log , is the  autoaim indication mod , . but they shud know the snap on feature has been removed.

do u have anything in the custom mod folder?

If they have just 2 braincells - they can see, even from the python.log - that the date on his version is 8th November, which is the date that the mod author removed the illegal feature :)

But... they're WG...

1 minute ago, isair said:

when i woke up, start PC, download new modpack, installed it, and after that i started to play.


The bans are probably not instant.  They probably got the info for the ban previously.  What was the previous modpack version that was installed?

Posted (edited)

latest downloaded is 9.16_51 and 9.16_54

and i all time use the same modification

Edited by isair

I know for a fact, from personal experience, that the bans in the past could have been from something that happened weeks before the ban.  WG would not give any specifics on anything including the date of the infraction. 


I would ask them nicely to tell you which mod is illegal because none are illegal according to their own specifications.  I think you have a right to know....but I doubt they feel that you have any rights at all.

  • Administrator

Yeah, unless they knows something but not telling us. For example, they allowed SafeShot (but what with DeadShot, it's the same mod but maybe WG is not understanding it). I'm supriced they didn't hire an expert, who is also a mod/modpack makers, these people have more knowledge about mods that average Joey from the WG staff.

  • Moderator
1 minute ago, Davidinlv82 said:

Would be pretty shitty that someone in wargaming has made changes to the list of legal/illegal mods and they are't telling us

That would create a big mess, hehe...


I do hope they have just a couple of braincells working, when it comes to their mod scan..

Some mods used to contain forbidden features - but forbidden feature(s) were removed - but mod has the same file name, for example.


Would be nice to know how their detection system works though, can't imagine it's all that perfect or accurate as I know people are still using illegal mods and have since the new fair play policy rolled out such as autoaim, it's no surprise that you can find older versions of Aslain's modpack all over the internet.......

  • Moderator
Just now, Davidinlv82 said:

Would be nice to know how their detection system works though, can't imagine it's all that perfect or accurate as I know people are still using illegal mods and have since the new fair play policy rolled out such as autoaim, it's no surprise that you can find older versions of Aslain's modpack all over the internet.......

Problem is - if they told us how the detection system worked.. they're also telling those that create cheats, what to avoid... making it easier for them to combat the detection..


In Cynd3r's words:

"The number is so low because we used very conservative, specific conditions in determining which players were to be sanctioned. These sanctions are incontestable--no appeals will be considered--so we wanted to be 100% certain with this first wave that those who were sanctioned were done so with reason."


22 minutes ago, Quaksen said:

Problem is - if they told us how the detection system worked.. they're also telling those that create cheats, what to avoid... making it easier for them to combat the detection..


In Cynd3r's words:

"The number is so low because we used very conservative, specific conditions in determining which players were to be sanctioned. These sanctions are incontestable--no appeals will be considered--so we wanted to be 100% certain with this first wave that those who were sanctioned were done so with reason."


would be nice if I can put my 2 cents into that thread but I cannot seem to get an account created on the eu forums. It's bullshit that they will sit there and ban people and not let them contest it if there is no illegal mod being used...........

1 hour ago, arniGX said:

oh my god, so aslain modpack now, is not safe anymore?? :(

Yes, it is just as safe as anything can be.  The thing that may not be safe is the judgement abilities/fairness of WG.  That is what we should be worried about....


  • Upvote 1
3 minutes ago, Quaksen said:

Hahaha... what a perfect image... :D

Thanks...I thought it was perfect too.  Does anyone else see a resemblance between SerB and Elmer Fudd?  I am not saying that they look like brothers from different mothers or anything....but just asking.


Did you contact Wargaming support and ask them what illegal mod you used?  Not long ago, I used a mod that I was told was legal, I received a ban.  I contacted support and the ban was reversed and removed from my record.

Posted (edited)

Hi Aslain, I get the answer, but its in cz language:


Dobrý den,
děkujeme, že jste nás zkontaktoval.
Od implementace nových Zásad poctivé hry jsme monitorovali naši hru a sledovali modifikace popsané ve zmíněném článku. Bohužel některé z Vámi používaných modifikací spadají do kategorie modifikací poskytujících neférové výhody oproti ostatním hráčům - tyto modifikace nejsou ve hře povoleny. Tato sedmidenní blokace účtu je tedy prvním a posledním varováním, abyste mohl tyto modifikace odstranit.
Berte na vědomí, že další porušení Zásad poctivé hry povede k trvalé blokaci Vašeho herního účtu. Jsme si vědomi, že se jedná o tvrdé tresty, nicméně nemáme žádné pochybnosti ohledně platnosti těchto trestů a odvolání se proti trestu tedy není možné.
Pokud chcete používat modifikace i nadále, doporučujeme Vám ještě jednou pročíst článek uvedený výše a seznámit se se zakázanými funkcemi.
Blokace účtu je plně v souladu se Smluvními podmínkami i s herními pravidly (odstavec 4.08).
Závadné funkce modifikací jsou popsány v článku "Zásady poctivé hry". Detaily ohledně konkrétních modifikací nebo balíků modifikací však neposkytujeme, jelikož se jejich obsah a funkce mohou měnit s časem. Proto bylo přistoupeno k vyjmenování zakázaných funkcí.
Děkujeme za Vaše pochopení.
S pozdravem
Jan Novák


in 4.08 game rules is :  4.08. Any conduct that is considered by Wargaming staff as disruptive to the gaming experience of others can be sanctioned in accordance to rule 1.04. This conduct includes and is not limited to: malicious and/or intentional in-game harassment, intentional exploitation of in-game mechanics or any action that intentionally goes against or abuses the game design. The application of game restrictions will always be done to protect a positive and fun gaming environment and will be applied after careful investigation and internal deliberation.


So, question is: is that ban for changed UI? like in screen?


note: this is fresh acc




Edited by isair
  • Moderator

At a glance, I didn't see anything wrong in that screenshot.


Would be interesting to find out if WG ends up admitting to making a mistake, in some of their bans, but they're too scared to admit it, it would look bad if they do :)

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